073| Nat and Steve

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"How did I not see this.." I said, looking to the living room.

"See what?"

Wanda, my love, sometimes you can be so blind to love. I mean just look at the two of us, it look us months before we could admit it to each other and even then, it was still a sort of shock.

Currently, I was looking at my sort of parents Nat and Steve who were flirting, like really flirting. I felt like an idiot because I had been given the title as the matchmaker of the tower. Granted, I gave myself that title but it was still had it.

"How could I be so blind.." I asked Wanda.

"Because darling, you were convinced Steve was madly in love with Bucky.."

"I still am, but this is down right adorable.."

Wanda looked at me, then at the pair who were still in their on little world, then back to be.

"No, no don't do what you're think!" She said, setting the table for our breakfast.

"I am the matchmaker, it's my job to-"

"You aren't the matchmaker!" Wanda giggled.

"I set up Carol and Val, Pietro uses me every time he needs to ask out a girl, I am Loki on tinder cause he is awful at online dating, I helped Thor with Jane and am currently attempting to set Tony up with his assistant!"

"Okay, just don't meddle!"

"I'm gonna meddle!" I laughed, putting breakfast out.

Later on, I saw the pair flirting AGAIN. God they reminded me of Wanda and I. Against my darlings wishes, and she is really smart so I should probably listen to her, I meddled.

"So, any plans for tomorrow?" I suspiciously asked like the matchmaker I am.

"Nope, I'm free.." Nat replied.

"As am I, did you wanna do something Y/N?" Steve asked.

"Oh sorry, Wanda and I have plans. Well for the two of you, I guess its a date.." I winked before walking away.

I know, I know, smooth as hell. They were both a bit confused and smiled whilst looking to each other. I mean come on guys, its so obvious. Honestly I do feel like a tiny bit of a hypocrite but I'm too hot to care.

A few weeks had passed and Nat had been spending a lot of time with spangles. I mean, I think I did something. 

There was a team meeting called and when we arrived, Steve and Nat were standing up at the top of the room. Everyone was confused but I knew what was going on.

"So we have a sort of announcement.. were dating.." Steve said, holding Nat's hand up to the group.

"Okay bitches, pay up!" I yelled extending my hand.

"Did you bet on us?!" Nat laughed.

"These suckers thought you weren't together, Stark you owe me 100 bucks!"

"It just seemed too weird to be true.." He said, passing me the money.

"I though Steve loved Bucky?!" Thor asked, poor little confused himbo.

"So did I buddy, so did I.." I said, still taking his money cause besties broke and Wanda needs chocolate. See, I'm an amazing girlfriend.

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