0113| Samuel and James

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I fucking told you they were bisexuals.

I don't know why I'm telling you this like as if you disagree with me, y'all knew about it too.

So you maybe be wondering, hey hot gal Y/N, how did you find this puppy out? Well hot stuff, let me fill you in.

It was three in the morning and me and Wanda had just finished our chocolate milkshakes. We both wanted more, so I volunteered to go to the kitchen to get us more. One my way to the kitchen, I could hear muffled voices.

I knew straight away one of the voices was my father, but then I heard muffed kissing so you know I turned into Pietro and sped my ass to the kitchen to see who the fuck it was.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD-" I yelled, in complete shock.

Sergeant Barnes was sat on the counter with sam in front of him, having a full on make out session. The second they saw me, Bucky ran and cover my mouth, pulling me into some sort of hot to drag me into an empty room.

Eventually, Bucky lifted his hand away from my mouth, I let out a quick squeal and he fucking slapped his hand over my mouth once more. Once they were both convinced I had calmed down, they gave me the right to speak again.

"So um, Sam? How long have you been fucking my dad?" I said, holding back the laughter.

I mean Sam was honestly scared, Bucky not so much.

"A month.." They eventually said.

"You remind me of Wanda and I, sneaking around, nobody knowing we were doing the good old, devils tango.." I said, thinking of how excited Wanda was gonna be when I told her about this.

"Why are you even up this late?" Bucky asked, in an attempt to change the subject from the highly exciting news.

"Oh don't you know? Between 1 and 4 am is when Wanda and I are most active. So like who knows?!" I said in excitement.

"Just you-"

"Well and Wanda.." I interrupted.

"Y/N you can't tell Wanda.." Sam said, looking too Bucky to back him up.

"I will not keep secrets from the love of my life, you can't make me!" I said, looking to Buck for back up.

"You release that anything you ever tell Y/N, you basically also told Wanda?" Bucky said, looking too Sam.

"Fine, but nobody else!" Sam said in defeat.

We finished up, I grabbed the rest of the chocolate milkshake and headed back to Wanda who was very concerned as to what had taken me so long. However when I explained the situation, she was very understanding.

Wanda and I kept the secret for 17 hours and 32 minutes, a time period that Bucky and Sam would later go on to describe as the most stressful 17 hours and 32 minutes of their lives.

Eventually it was simply too much of a ticking time bomb for them and they revealed it to everyone. The team was proud of the pair and there was even a bit of jealousy from a certain ice lolly, you know, the iced americano.

I would also like full credit for these two getting together. Thats it.

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