09| Burn the Bitch

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This chapter was very fun to write just saying..

There was yelling, lots of yelling. The disrespect, they know I wanted to sleep in. I was awake now and the drama was calling me.

A trip downstairs revealed a very upset Steve and that snarky bitch Sharon Carter. Before I could say anything, Tony ran over to stop me in my tracks. 

"Don't go in there, there breaking up I think."


"Because Sharon cheated on Steve.."



"I'm about to beat this bitch up-"

I attempted to make a move but was grabbed by Thor. The idiot was too strong and I couldn't escape his grasp. After about 10 minutes of my movement being restricted, I was finally let go off. Sharon had left, making her way to the car park, but did it alone. That was my time to get her.

Tony and Thor had walked in to comfort Steve and chat to him. 

"Thank you, for holding Y/N back. She would have killed Sharon"

Thor and Tony looked to each other, realising I was unsupervised.

"Did Sharon go by herself?"

"Yeah, down to the car park, why?"

"Cause we left Y/N unattended.."

Sharon was unlocking her car when I finally reached her.

"Eh, what are you doing here?"

"Listen you psycho bitch. I was only being nice to you cause Steve liked you. Steve is one of my best friends and you hurt him. So on behalf of the team, go fuck yourself"

"Steve doesn't care about you! You're the dumb kid at the tower thats there to annoy everyone!"

"Sharon, you're a wannabe Avenger and a wannabe Peggy Carter. You're a dumb bitch and just messed up the one good thing you had, the one thing that made you interesting. I honestly think that your entire personality is trying to be Peggy!"

That seemed to be a last straw as she took a swift right hook to my face.

"I'm not doing this, cause I could kill you with the lift of my finger!"

She went again, another punch.

"Your just making yourself look worse!"

Another punch.

"You know what screw being mature about this!"

I moved back, throwing warning fire shots past her head, I wasn't going to actually set her aflame or put a hand on her.

"I'm not going to hurt you, cause Steve would hate me for it."

"Get over here, grow up and hit me back!"

"Your the grown up! I'm not fighting you. This is merely pushing you back away from me!"

There was a noise from around the corner which made me drop my guard. Sharon came up behind me, punching me again and again. After a moment, the punching stoped and I let someone help me up.

"Y/N, what did you do?!" Steve yelled.

"I let the girl beat me up, didn't fight back. I knew you would hate me if I hurt her"

"Thats not true, look at the fire!" Sharon yelled from her car.

"I was trying to keep her away from me, I used it to push her back, I never hit her with it!"

Tony looked to me, I knew he believed what I was telling him. He helped me upstairs to get cleaned up and discussed the situation.

"I was cleaver about it, you know?"

"And why was that?"

"The parking lot has cameras with audio, I know Steve doesn't believe me so maybe that will change his mind.."

"So you actually did the mature thing?"

"I know, pretty unbelievable"

"So why did she punch you?"

"I called her a wannabe Avenger and a wannabe Peggy, told her she lost the one thing that made her interesting and some other things.."

"You know they said you weren't like me, a mini Tony, and I didn't see it. Now I do"

"What do you mean?"

"You stuck up for Steve today, you did the right thing but just went about it the wrong way.."

"I seem to do that a lot, don't I?"

"You will learn how to do it, it's hard, but you can do it. I mean if I can, then you must be able to do it too.."

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