045| Roadie Take Two

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Sometimes, you plan for the greatest things and don't know when they will happen. Like when I had officially finished renovations on my RV, I didn't know when that baby was getting to go for an official spin. It had to be done well, a carefully thought-out planed trip, but you know my style and planning wasn't something I usually dabbled in.

"Okay we will be gone for three days, don't do anything stupid!" Tony said, preparing for some mission.

There was my window. It was a mission that was too important for me to go on because they thought I would mess it up, Loki hated missions and the twins faked being sick. The hero's left, like all of them which was beyond handy, so we were able to pack.

"Grab everything, like all your hot shit because we are going to be gone for a while!"

"What, how long?!"

"As long as we need.."

I grabbed everything I owned basically, my RV had a lot of built in storage so I was ready to roll. I looted the kitchen for the good stuff, snacks, cereal, juice, the works. I drove with Loki to collect the RV, putting our belongings inside and driving back to get the twins.

"Look, it's the RV!"

"Since when does she own an RV?!"

Oh yeah, Pietro had no idea about this..

"Like ages ago! Climb aboard!"

I left a little note for JARIVS to tell Tony once the arrived home. Everyone was ready to go and we took to the road.

"Well, where we off to?"

Thats what I didn't plan, where we would driving to.

"Well lets get to California!"

"Thats on the other side of the county, we need somewhere to go along the way.."

"Any suggestions?"

"Eh.. Detroit?!"

"Thank you Loki, let's ride!"

I took the first driving shift and Wanda sat beside me. The boys were in the back providing snakes and using the little TV I had set up.

"So are you excited for this, Maximoff?"

"You don't even know how much fun this is gonna be, I mean I've never done anything even remotely and insane as this!"

"Well get ready, it is going to be a fun trip.."

After a very long drive, over 9 hours, we arrived in the city of Detroit. Little did I know was that Detroit wasn't all that snazzy.

It was late out and so we got food, sat in a random park and only went to out house on wheels when it was so cold that we couldn't feel our hands.

"Take to the road?"

"Lets go!"

I was so tired, Wanda and my driving shifts were today so we took to the back of the RV and passed out in the double bed together.

"Loki, check them out.."

Pietro took the wheel and Loki crept, as not to wake us, and took a quick photo before using the pull out sofa to sleep.

In the morning, we found ourselves in one of my favourite cities, Chicago. It was day two of our journey so the besties hadn't found my message yet, yet I say.

"Were in Chicago baby!"

I loved this city, it's just somewhere that I found peaceful.

"Right, we need food and-" Pete looked like he was about to fall asleep standing up.

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