0159| Dead Girl Walking

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They're all so dramatic, oh so dramatic.

They basically set out an Amber Alert, even though my name is Y/N so like what the fuck. How the hell does that make sense?

"She's missing! She's been taken!" Bucky screamed, his voice echoing through the tower.

"Wait who's missing?" Steve asked.

Just like the old man not to stay current.

"Y/N! Our daughter is missing Steven!" Bucky squealed, grabbing Steve's shirt and shaking it.

For the dramatic effect, I think. I don't really know why.

Once Bucky has convinced everyone that I was kidnapped, using literally no evidence other than the fact that I left my home without Wanda, the panic was set in all around them.

"Should we call the police!?" Bucky screamed in an unbelievably high pitched tone.

"We are more powerful than the police, shouldn't we be able to bring her home!" Tony yelled again, pacing around the room.

You may be wondering, what was the love of your life doing when all this shit was going down. She was laughing. 

It sounds a bit bad on her part, put in the truth, she knew exactly where I was. So she was genuinely enjoying the dumb stress that they put themselves under for no apparent reason.

"We need to get a plan in place, some sort of plan. Our kid is missing!" Steve screamed.

"Indeed, indeed.." Nat mumbled beside Wanda, counselling her laughing as well.

Wanda decided to fill Nat in on what was going on, you have to have someone to enjoy this shit with.

"Do we get everyone involved, do we send out search parties?!" Bucky cried out again.

"We can have people flying, I'll send out my fleet of helicopters if it comes down to it!" Tony yelled again.

"If it comes down it?!" Steve questioned, "Tony we're already here!"

They paced some more, yelled some more. I was surprised nobody went into the room to confront them about what was so important.

I think I've neglected to tell you where I actually was during all of this. Well, it was a surprisingly normal place.

I was at work.

Because I work, I have a job. Caring for my love is not easy and sometimes Tony looks at his credit card bills. I refuse to say the order of a large ass water slide was a bad idea. I refuse.

"We need to pissing around here-"

"Tony, I understand you're in crisis but watch your language!" Steve yelled in Tony's face.

"Fuck you shield guy!" Tony yelled in aggravation.

"That's enough Tony-"

I mean the only reason them knuckleheads didn't kill each other was that I entered the room. 

"Our precious Y/N.." Bucky yelled out, running to hug me, squeezing me a bit too hard.

"The hell is wrong with him.." I said, scanning the room.

My eyes were met with two fathers that looked like they wanted to cry and my mother and girlfriend dying with laughter. To say I have no idea what was going on would be an understatement.

"How did you escape, how did you do it?!" Tony yelled, ordering Steve to hug me on his behalf because of the germs thing.

"Um, because Greg let me?" I replied.

"Greg is his name? I'll kill him for taking you!" Steve squealed.

"Um, why do you wanna kill my boss?" I asked.

"Your boss?" Bucky spoke, letting me out of the lung crushing hold.

"I was at work, I have a job.." I said.

After much discussion and evaluation, the entire situation was revealed. The level of stupidity my fathers had become clear and I wonder how they get themselves dressed in the mornings.

So dumb, oh so dumb.

Double upload? What! I know calm down. This is for the lack of chapters in the last week so enjoy!

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