060| Nightmares

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So sorry for late updates, I've been working on some new and updating my old things. I am glad to get back in!

I wouldn't be lying if I said I got nightmares, You can't do my job and not have some suppressed trauma.

I mean I have some trauma, I just like to think of it as an extra bit of spice to my character, some flavour.

My trauma was turned into nightmares, nightmares I told nobody of. I just didn't feel like telling people, that was until I got found out.

It was an overnight mission and I was bunking with Nat when it began. She had woken me up, sat in the bed with me and calmed me down. She helped me get back to sleep, not leaving until she knew I was okay.

We got home and I was okay for a few days later and I was asleep. The nightmares came, something from our previous mission that had gotten me worked up. After a few moments, Nat came running in to help me.

"Hey, hey kid.. you're okay. I'm here for you now.." She said, helping me through it.

"How did you know.." I said, slowly waking up.

"I have JARVIS alert me know when your having a nightmares, come on, lets go.." She said, helping me out of the bed.

We walked outside to the kitchen, getting a drink and sitting down.

"Wanna talk about it.." She said.

"It's usually the same thing, were fighting and someone dies.." I said, sipping my drink.

"I used to get them all the time, I learned how to get through it.." She said, looking into the glass.

"Why did you put me on nightmare watch.."

"Because your like everyones little kid, like we all are part of your parent.." She laughed.

"Whats that meant to mean!" I laughed back.

"Tony is your main dad, Steve keeps you out of trouble, Bucky and Sam get you into trouble, we all pitch in to keep you afloat."

"Well your basically our mother.."

"What does that mean!"

"You keep Bucky and Sam in line, help Steve has fun and you make sure Tony doesn't kill me when I do things wrong" I laughed.

"Well kid, I'll keep you on nightmare watch until I'm sure your okay" She said, wrapping her arm around me.

"This might ruin the moment, but I have your baby photos.."


"Okay so Imma head out, I have pissed off the assassin!"

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