023| Not Normal

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"Hey, go back to your room, you're still grounded!"

That was true. It had been over two weeks since I did my whole dis act with the boys and I was under severe punishment.

"Your gonna want to see this.."

I probably wouldn't have left my room under any other circumstances, but this felt appropriate.

"What is it Y/N?"

"I have a cold and-"

"You have a cold? You hyped it up so much just to tell me that-"

He was cut off by me sneezing and because of that sneeze, I ended up on the other side of the room.

"I don't know what's happening!"

"Okay calm down and try not to-"

Sneeze sent me down to the gym, where I greeted Steve.

"Hey buddy!"

"How did you-"


"Okay I'm on the roof, this is not good at all. Um how do I-"


"I'm back!"

"What the hell-"

"I ended up in the gym, the on the roof, then back here.."

"Okay, I called Banner and we can see what's happening"

Tony walked me down to the lab, getting tests done to see why the hell I was ending up all over the tower with the power of a sneeze. The test revealed that when I was captured by Hydra that one time, they injected me with something to give me this power.

"If you hadn't of escaped, I'm sure Hydra would have probably weaponised you"

"Well its lucky that I'm so amazing at kicking ass"

"Kid thats not funny, you can teleport.."

"Okay but how can I control it?"

We went down to the gym, trying to figure it out how to control these powers. It was like Tony was teaching me how to walk. I was able to get from one side of the gym to the other after hours of training which seemed to be good.

"Okay, one more time"

I focused really hard, teleported and the ended up in mother fucking Paris. I pulled my phone out, hands shaking from the top of the Eiffel Tower. Oh did I forget to mention that that is where I ended up?"

"Hey where are you?!"

"I'm at the top of the mother fucking Eiffel Tower, in fucking Paris!"


"Let me try get back?"

I focused again, ending up outside the tower. I sprinted into the training room, completely out of breath.

"I made it... back"

"Oh my god! This is going to be a nightmare"

"Your not the one with a cold, that can trigger me to teleport!"

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