016| Fake Hammer

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"None of you pathetic mortals are worthy!"

"Aye Thor, over here!"

"Except Y/N, she can lift it!"

He left the room, throwing the hammer up down and down.

"Anyone sick of that guy and his hammer?"


"I have an idea.. wanna give Thor a heart attack?"

Peter and I spent the day 3D printing a fake version of Thors hammer and then choreographing how our plan of pure evil would work. Everything was set up and ready for Thor to die of shock.

"Y/N, did you take my hammer?"

The whole team was sat in the living room, I had the hammer in hand.

"Yeah, Peter pass this to Thor"

"He can't-"

Peter grabbed the fact hammer and passed it to Tony, who went to Steve, then Nat, then Wanda, Pietro, Clint, Bruce, Carol, Sam, Bucky and to top it all off, Loki.

"What.. how, WHAT-"

His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he passed out right onto the floor. We helped him out and he eventually regained consciousness to the sight of Loki, doing Thors signature throwing the hammer up and down move.


"Calm down Thor, what's wrong?"

"My brother is not able to lift the hammer, neither is Stark.."

"Oh, I guess they just can now.."

The rest of the day was spent with Thor picking up the hammer, handing it to Loki, then taking it back. He was so confused and looked as though he was about to cry, so we decided to let him know.


"Yes Y/N?"

"Nobody worthy, that hammer we used was a fake so-"


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