05| Uninvited

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'She walked away with a cheap pack of cigarettes'

'Hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect'

Steve had banned me from team meetings because I chose to hate on Sharon. Bit of a bitchy move if I'm being completely honest. Even though he had kicked me out, I wanted to make my presents know, that's were my music came into play. Harry fucking style on full blast was my approach to this situation. 

"Steve just let the kid join in" Tony begged.

"No she needs to learn a lesson!"

"Sharon is rude to me yet you still fuck her!"

I placed a small microphone in the room and an AirPod to listen in. They were hidden quite well too so Steve was gonna have a great time finding that.

"See! She's never gonna learn!"

"Pop off Steve"

This made the team laugh. I mean who wouldn't laugh at that, I wasn't backing down.

"Y/N stop this madness!"

"Or what?"

"I'll take your mission privileges away!"

"I am so scared right now" I said is a very serious tone.

"You need to behave better Y/N!"

"Sorry, when did you become my father?"

This shocked the team. I was coming for this grown man who had chosen to pick a fight against me. I knew he was gonna kill me, even though I could end him in seconds.

"I am leaving.. in support of Y/N and her cause against Steve.. unban Y/N" 

Peter was reading this off of a card that I had given him before the meeting started.

"Also Y/N payed me 20 bucks to say this...  #saveY/Nfromsteve"

"The kid has started a god damn movement.." Tony said through his fit of laughter.

Peter left the room and came back to me. I placed a 20 dollar note in his palm, just like I promised I would. We sat and listened to what the AirPod was picking up.

"Bring her back, come on Steve!" Tony yelled.

"You know she's not gonna quit until she gets back in here, she will try something big!" Nat explained.

"You know what fine.. Y/N get down here"

I gave Peter my phone to play the Rocky theme tune. I opened up the door as Peter played the song for my grand ass entrance.

"Hello my friends, I have returned from exile and am ready to rejoin you all"

I took my rightful seat in the meeting room, much to Steves disappointment, and carried on with the meeting. God I love it when I win.

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