024| Paris?

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"I asked her out first!"

God listening to the boys wine over a girl was just pathetic. I decided to insert myself into the argument in which Sam and Bucky were currently having.

"Boys, what's happening?"

I mean they must not have noticed me laying on the sofa, probably not wanting anyone involved  in there little debacle.

"Well um.."

"Spit it out Barnes!"

"Sam and I are into the same girl..."


"Okay, can I make a suggestion?"


"Paris, take that girl to Paris.."

"We can't fly a girl to Paris?!"

"Oh not that type of Paris.."

I picked up my my things, leaving the pair extremely confused. They looked to each other, trying to figure what I was say one.

Later on at dinner, I was chatting to Peter when I over heard Sam and Bucky talking to the grown ups about me comment. I looked to Peter, who new exactly what I meant by it.

"You told them to pull a Paris?!"

"What, it's a logical choice if they both want her!"

"Your going to have to explain this to them, ALL OF THEM"

"I know, but only if they ask.."

After an hour of dodging the men of the team, I was cornered off by Sam and Bucky. 

"What does Paris mean Y/N?"

"I won't say it! Thors in the room, think of poor baby Thor!"

Yeah this all became very dramatic very fast.

"Tell us now.."

"Tony, cover your ears.."

Tony shot his hands over his ears before exiting the room, not wanting any part in what was about to come out of my mouth. The rest of the team was confused and so, I started talking.

"Paris, um its a term for- Okay let me try again. So Paris is sort of another term to use when ladys like to do it with two men.."

"Oh you have got to be kidding me!"

"I'm sorry-"

"Huh, nothing I haven't done before"

My eyes widened as I looked to Bucky, unfazed as to the comment he had just made. He took a sip of his beer before walking out of the room, leaving us speckless.

"Was it with Steve?"


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