046| Roadies 2.0 Return

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Yes, I was dragged back to New York, on my birthday. Tony is a bit of a bitch not gonna lie. I guess it was time to face my issues and be the bad bitch I was born to be.

"Sup asshole, the best one is back"

I walked in, dropping my bag on the table and headed straight to the living room for my analysis.

"We were do worried about-"

"Cut the crap Clint, you should be used to this by now"

"Does this child ever-"

Sharon, I was pissed off, loaded with coffee and looked hot, you picked the wrong time to start shit with me.

"You know what bitch, I am finally gonna put you in your box. Do not look at me, do not speak to me because, Maximoff, how many ways do I have to kill this hoe in my brain?"

"I don't know-"

"Yes you do-"


"Make it 73 I came up with some new ones on the way here. Let's face it Steve, she is the worst safety net ever!"

"She isn't a safety-"

"Oh but she is, she's a reminder of Peggy, you remember Peggy Sharon? Bet Steve thinks of your great aunt when he goes down on you!"

"Sis woke up and chose violence.." Loki muttered.

"You have to believe there is good in her, the good you saw in Peggy. So every time something happens you try to find a reason that would explain it but right now, nothing can explain her behaviour! I hate her, she boils my blood but nothing hurts me as much as you, defending her. She isn't perfect, she isn't even good, but you chose to think she is!"

"Will someone stop her before-"

"I am beyond finished with your bullshit, you are are satan in a blonde wig, I can't wait till the day Steve wakes the fuck up and sees how dumb you are. Also you can stop thinking I'm gonna mess up on missions because I'm good at my job and look so damn hot when doing it! Now wake the fuck up please because I am sick and tired of all your dumbass! Now I am eating some cake because I had to call you out, today of all days, my fucking birthday!"

So I turned around and left, gone to eat my cake. I was sitting alone in the kitchen when I heard someone behind me.

"Loki, your not very slick.."

"Well we all got you some things, there in the bag so I'll leave them for you.."

Before I could ask him to stay, he left the room. Probably since he was scared that I was going to throw cake at his face.

I took the bag, looking inside at what I had been given from my friends. Loki had given me a sweater that said 'The Baddest Bitch', which honestly made me tear up a bit. Pietro had given me a pair of hand cuff, what the fuck is wrong with him? 

Wanda gave me the sweetest gift of all, a charm bracelet with the charm saying, 'My Favourite'. God this did make me feel bad about my yelling and I never regretted things. Wanda much think I'm such an asshole.

"You alright?"

Then I heard her behind me, this was about to go down.

"I'm sorry, my out burst was-"


"I really have made you the worst person of yourself.."

"I think that it was a bit harsh.."

"You were everything you needed to be and more and it was very funny to watch there faces.."

"Well then.. cake?"

"Cake it is.."

"Thank you, by the way, for my bracelet.."

"You are very welcome"

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