0109| Passing the Phone

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I'm not gonna lie, to do the challenge was a struggle.

First I had to explain it, then explain is again, and again, and again. I live with some dumb people and Thor.

Eventually however, we had figure out as a group, how the passing the phone challenge worked. If it had taken a moment longer to explain I would have flung someone out the window and we all know who I would have chosen. It was Steve, in case you were confused.

"I'll start!" I said flicking the play button on, "I'm passing the phone to the person who thinks he's good at keeping his identity a secret but will literally bolt out of class for mission."

"Um.. I'm passing the phone to someone that collects children around the globe.." Peter said, obviously passing to Tony.

"Rude, rude as fuck. I'm passing the phone to an ice lollie.."

"Tony!" Steve yelled, accepting the phone, "I'm passing the phone to someone that attempted global take over and now lives in out tower and influences our kid to do bad things-"

"Why thank you Captain Rogers, I'm passing the phone to the one that looks adopted compared to myself and my older sister Hela.." Loki replied.

"Hello! I'm giving the magical box to someone that is really great at playing the drums!" Thor giggled, giving Scott the phone.

"I'm passing the phone to the towers biggest simp.." Scott said, returning the phone to me.

"Its Wanda, I don't see the issue? Okay, I'm passing the phone to someone that I should find really scary but is as warm as fresh chocolate chip cookies.." I said, giving the phone to a very pissed off Bucky.

"I'm passing the phone to the biggest top I have ever met.." 

"I know.." Nat winked, accepting the phone, "I'm passing the phone to the Robin Hood looking ass bitch that thinks his pointy sticks are gonna do something to aliens!"

"I'm passing the phone to someone that more than once considered putting a leash on her girlfriend after she lost her on the 'Its a Small World' ride in Disney World!" Clint said.

"I think we should at least invest in a tracking device!" Wanda said when taking the phone, "I'm passing the person that once flashed Steve whilst speeding past him to see if he would notice.." She continued, giving her brother the phone.

"In my defence, it was a dare. I will be passing the phone to the person who has a mental breakdown next to me every time he needs to talk to his crush!" Pietro said, giving Peter the phone.

"Well you do just poke me and say 'Will you be done anytime soon, because I don't really care'" Peter squirmed back. "I'm passing the phone to someone who accidentally shrunk all the teens down and lost us for like 4 hours, like that movie 'Honey, I Shrunk the Kids!'" Peter yelled, giving my boy Scottie the phone.

"Okay here's a follow up to that, I'm passing the phone to someone that immediately established dominance when being shrunk down and locked Loki in a cage made of fire!" Scott yelled.

"But the bitch got out, didn't he?" I said in response, "I'm passing the phone to someone who knows that whether your a student or a solider-"

"Y/N I swear, don't say it!" Steve yelled.

"- there is always one thing that will give you an edge. A hot lunch!" I finished, giving Steve my phone.

"DID YOU ACTUALLY SAY THAT?!" Tony said, literally flying off of the chair in shock.

"Y/N do the one with the fire works!" Wanda yelled in excitement.

"Hi I'm Captain America.." I said, imitating Steve and doing the whole arm cross thing, "I love celebrating this great nation on the 4th of July. But trust me, there is nothing patriotic, about illegal fire works-"

Tony fucking lost it, as did Bucky. Nat was trying to hold it in but was slowly losing it and Steve, Steve was regretting every coming out of ice at all.

"-So just remember, if your on fire, STOP, DROP AND ROLL!" I said, aggressively point at what I pictured to be the camera recording Steve doing these actions.

"I'm done, challenge over!" Steve said, leaving the room filled with laugher, what a loser. At least he has a hot lunch.

Hey! So you may not know what I'm taking about in the last part so here's a video link!


Also thank you for over 300k reads! It honestly amazing so thank you so much!

-Jamie :)

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