025| Second Parent

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"Okay so dinner is set for 6, can everyone make it?"

"Yeah, Peter and Y/N won't be able you're gonna need to push that reservation back."

Bucky knew all about Peter and my life. He always knew about our lives, Steve said he wanted to get better at his memory skills. So, he chose to learn about the towers youngest residence.

"Sorry, how do you know the kids can't make it to dinner at that time?"

"Well, Peter has decathlon after school which will take him to about 5:30 and he has to get homework finished up before dinner, while he is in that educational head space. Then Y/N has a physics test tomorrow, she needs time for study and homework. I would push dinner back."

"How do you-"

"Shush, their my kids too.."

There were many occasions in which Bucky had proved he was a major part of our lives, or in fact that he knew more about me than I did about myself.

"Y/N, did you finish your geography essay?!"

"How the hell do you know about that?"

"I just do.."

Yeah, I can never get away with anything.

"So, you have to bring an ancient artefact for history?"

"Bucky how the hell do you find about these things?"

"I'm on your schools newsletter, it tells me important things.."

"Do you wanna come?"


"Well, I would consider you and Rogers to be ancient, it might just work"

"It's for Thursday, correct?"

"How the fuck do you know that part?!"

"Newsletter, yeah I'll come and get Steve in on it too"

By the time Thursday rolled around, I realised these two grown ass men were going to follow me around to all of my classes, all day long. I had alerted Peter about the two grandpas, but forgot to let my school know. 

We pulled up and I headed to my first few classes, followed by the boys.They sat in the back of the class room, taking notes. They were learning in these classes, probably paying more attention then I was. After a while, history rolled around and it was my turn to present.

"So for my ancient artefact, I brought two fossils. An iced americano and robo-cop. More officially these idiots are known as Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. These are heroes who fought in World War II gave their lives to their country. After some formality, they both managed to survive and reach a ripe old age of about 104. Floor is open to ask questions."

"Hey, how do you know Y/N?"

One of the boys at the front of the class had asked this question. The boys flashed confused looks at each other, then to me to see if it was okay with me to answer correctly. I nodded and they turned to face my class, ready to answer.

"We live with Y/N.." Bucky said softly.

"But how?"

I took the lead on this, knowing my other parents were definitely uncomfortable.

"Well, the Starks are my adoptive parents so I live with them and they live with these idiots."

"Were not idiots Y/N!"

"Shut up capsical.."

The class went well, the rest of the questions were more simple for these boys to answer. I ended up getting an A for my work, pretty easy grade if you ask me. I pulled up to lunch and sat down with Peter, Ned and MJ, shortly followed by the soldiers who had bought lunch too.

"This is what they feed you?"

"This is disgraceful!"

"I will be speaking to someone on this, you children deserved proper nutrition!"

"Guys chill out, it's just normal high school lunches!"

"You consume this everyday?!"

"Yeah I-"

"Who do we speak of to get this changed!"

"Shush idiots, you're doing nothing to our food. Just shut up and eat your lunch!"

They sat in silence as we finished up their food and I chatted to my friends. The day cleared off and Bucky walked along side me to get to Steves car.

"I learned so much, like I didn't do this sort of stuff when I was in school! I should do this again, like come to your school again and leave all the things I missed!"

"Well um.. you could enrolling in like a collage, get a degree?"

"Would you help me do that?"

"Sure, if it means you don't come back here again.."

"I like you friends too, now I can finally put a face to the names of this you talk to me about!"

"Well I'm very glad you enjoyed yourself"

"Oh we need to do more things together, like we have so much to do together!"

"I'm excited..."

"Steve!" He called running away. "I get to go to school again, can you come I don't want the kids to make fun of me!"

I laughed at the boys, always trying to better themselves and keeping in touch with our lives. I'm glad to have them, not happy that Bucky knew everything about my life.

"Y/N, do your geometry homework!"

"I hate you!"

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