040| Irrelevent

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God I had almost forgotten about that bitch Sharon Carter until she strolled into my living room without my knowledge.

"Hey, evil spawn! How you been?!"

"You don't actually care how I've been"

"Of course I don't, you're a dick!" I said, with the biggest smile I could dress across my face.

"Well I'm Steve's girlfriend and-"

"And you're replaceable. Very much replaceable.."

"I am not!"

"God Sharon, with everything thats been going on, you have become genuinely irrelevant. Good to see you satan.."

I forgot how fun making fun of that bitch was, it was nice to have her back. That high of making fun of Sharon lasted all but 1 minute and 53 seconds when I received heart breaking, soul crushing news.

"You have a mission, you and Sharon.."

Steve I want to hurt you and break that dinner plate in half. I will do that, I'm picturing it in my mind as we speak.


"After your last mission stunt, with the senator, you need to learn how to be apart of a team"

"Steve, did I to did I not, completely expose a senator for completely illegal activity and do it with only Loki's help?"

"Yes but-"

"Didn't I do with absolutely no backing from this entire team because you lot called me insane?"

"Yes and I get that, but you're still doing this mission. One day you and Sharon could be in a very bad situation where you have to work together to escape!"

"Easy. I teleport away and she kicks the bucket.."


"I see nothing wrong in what I just said, if I'm honest"

No matter how many times I pleaded to not have to go on a mission with the devil, it never worked. So I loaded myself into the jet to prepare for the worst.

"Okay so, there's two buildings and I want you to sweep this one!"

"By myself?"

"I'll be by myself too, they couldn't get back up.."

"What exactly are we looking for in here, Sharon?"

"A set of scientists who are building weapons to supply to Hydra.."

"Okay, great"

The flight wasn't that bad, apart from me learning the plan, satan and I sat on separate parts of the jet. Then came landing time. I took my phone, my communication device to talk to Sharon and my good looks into the second building.

"Okay, I'm in the building.."

I was combing the building, when I noticed I wasn't alone.

"I think they're in here!"

"Well shut it and grab them!"

Yeah so this is the part in the story where I let you know that my bad bitch self, we set up for failure. You see, Sharon knew the scientists were in here, with a fucking bomb. She wanted me to trigger it, allowing the scientists to escape and my being dead, for some reason she thought that she would be the death of me.

"Sharon there's a bomb!"

"I know, have fun Y/N!"

"Oh you bitch!"

So I have a couple options. I could try defuse it even though I had no idea how to. I could call Tony. I could run or teleport away. I thought however that it would be funny to let Tony know what's going on.

"Hey Tony!"

"Aren't you on a mission?!"

"It's a funny story actually, you see Sharon knew where the bomb is and sent me to defuse it. She set me up to try and kill me and there's civilians so how do I defuse a bomb!"

"Okay calm down, you can do this!"

Tony switched us over to FaceTime, allowing him to really see what's going on. 

"Okay the red wire.."

"Cut it?!"


"Are you sure!?"

"You only have a couple seconds!?"

Yeah dumb bitch Tony allowed me to cut the wrong god damn wire, speeding up the timer. I decided to try something new.

"I'm gonna block myself in!"

"What the hell, kid stop!"

"I think if I use my powers to create some sort of shield which can stop the impact!"

"What about you!?"

"I'll teleport out when I'm sure it will work"

Truth is, I wasn't exactly sure this was going to work and definitely lost track of where I was on that ticking clock.


I teleported outside during impact. I looked up, seeing a lot of damage was saved, as were lives. Sharon had done exactly what she needed to do and I couldn't take it anymore and passed out.

Sharon hadn't even bothered to see if I was okay, that was until Tony flew in and saw me on the ground.

"Y/N?! Sharon what the hell did you do to my kid!"

"Wait she got out?!"

"Sharon I am going to kill you, she saved these people by almost killing herself!"

Tony took me back to the tower and in the end, I wasn't hurt that badly. I did have to stay in the medical ward for a while, everyone but Steve came to visit for days.

"Hey kid.."

"There he is, was wondering when you were gonna show your face around here"

"I know I was just busy with Sharon and-"

"Steve, Sharon set me up. She didn't expect me to save those people and walk away with my life"

"She would never do that!"

"But she did. I'm finished with her because I always end up getting hurt or having to stay away from everyone. When she's over I have to stay in my room and once again, I ended up bleeding. If you can still love her after seeing this, good luck"

"What does good luck mean, you will still see me around here?!"

"I have to step away from Sharon, meaning I'm also having to step away from you. You can't see any fault in her so I have to wait until you do.."

It was a hard thing to do, break a friendship. Steve needed to learn however and I will wait for him to do so.

However if these last few days proved anything, I am a bad bitch and Sharon Carter will not be the death of me cause I'm not all about that life.

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