048| Wakanda

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"So, where we off to?"

I mean I was just told to get in the jet so I had no idea what was going on, that seems to be a common thing in this tower, I'm just along for the ride.

"We are going to Wakanda, king T'challa invited us to visit.." Tony explained.

"Are you aware we are flying straight into a fucking forest?!"

"Relax kid, watch and learn.."

Even though I though he had lost his mind, we drove straight through the trees revealing the beautiful city of Wakanda.

"Wow, these bro rich, like rich rich.."

We landed in this open court yard thing and saw the kind, his sister, his mother and what looked like a band of absolute icons walk towards our jet.

"Um.. do we have to bow?" Sam asked me.

"Yeas, he's a king, you dumbass.."

So yes, I did let Sam humiliate himself but I don't feel bad about doing it.

"Oh sorry, we don't do that here.." The king said.

"Y/N i'm going to-"

"So you're a king, hows that working for you?" I said, looking to T'challa.

"Excellent. I am guessing you are Y/N, i have heard a lot about you and i believe you and my sister would get along. My name is T'challa.

"Can I call you Big T?"

"I don't think I can stop you.."

Big T turned to the girl behind him who looked very excited to see me.

"Hey, my name is Shuri"

"Y/N, sup"

We sort of just stared at each other for a few seconds, not breaking eye contact and confusing everyone else. After a few moments, we pulled away to the group.

"I like her"

"As do I"

"You got that from staring?!" Tony asked.

"Yeah, why?"

Shuri took me to her lab, her awesome, amazing, super high tech lab.

"This had nothing on Tony, like wow, you must be a bad bitch.."

"I know, I basically run things around here and allow my brother to look good.."

"Yeah no, stop that"

"Why, he is my brother?"

"Don't stand behind a man, take the credit and kill him-"

"I won't resort to murder, not yet at least"

"It depends on the person, I mean see spangled out there?"

"The latex white boy?"

"Yeah, I wanna murder him, might just take the plunge and do it."

We sat around, explaining the sus and spilling the tea. Shuri is a decent person, so I gave her my snap for future uses.

Then we tried out some of of her weapons, which eventually went wrong.

"Shuri, watch it!"

The minute bullet from one of Shuri's very dangerous toys had bounced off off the wall and was headed towards her. I teleported in front of her, using my powers to stop the bullet.

"Your an elemental?!"

"I don't know what that means?!"

"Element control, I've never seen one who can teleport!"

"Theres more people like me?!"

She started running out of her lab, bitch wtf answer me. I chases her, finding her in a musty library.

"Hello? Theres more of me?!"

She stayed looking and I was on the verge of a panic attack.


"Whats here?!"

Like I don't care when people don't tell me things because usually their boring or just Steve, but right now I had the chance to beat the god of thunder in a battle so please lady, start talking.

She opened a book, detailing everything I could do with my powers, some things I already knew and others that took me by surprise.

"It's genetic, only one parent needs to an elemental for you to have powers, who are your parents?"

"Tony's my dad, adopted, but I never knew my real parents.."

"Oh.. sorry.."

"So, this is me, on paper. This is what I can do.."

"You can take the book, if you want. You deserve to know your abilities"

We spent a few days in the city of Wakanda, vibing with big T and bestie Shuri. Then we flew back to the tower where I could finally read the book.

"Aerokinetic Regeneration what now.."

These words were way too big for me, like time to google what this means.

"Healing and regeneration.. what..."

So here's what the book told me, brace yourself because this bad bitch just became an even badder bitch.

I can generate things, earth, light, ice, fire, and electricity. Also weapons, made out water or fire, now this I gotta try.

"So I just..."

I flicked out my hand, creating a grip as if I was holding a sword. Then, a fire blade formed and I was just kinda looking at it, like with zero clue as to what it was. 

After a few moments, I noticed I could grip it without my hand burning and so I just waved it around, until my door was flung open.

"Y/N are you-"

"Eh, Hey Tony.."

"What the hell is going on, JARVIS told me you were using fire and then I walk up and what is that book, how on earth-"

So I may have scared Tony just a tiny bit, like just tiny bit nothing special.

"Well Shuri told me that there was more like me, more elementals as she calls us. Then gave me this book with um, I'm like really powerful, more then we first thought.."

"Thats a fire sword.."

"Yes.. I can make a water one too.."

I showed him the book I was given, he was equally as shocked so we decided to try a few out. We did so in the gym, time for me to shine.

"Lift the pen, with the air bending part.."

I kinda just looked at the pen, and bestie just floated.

"Tony.. I am so powerful what the actual fuck is going on.."

"Em.. I don't know.."

We did some more of the powers in the book, trying out the generational things. Then I was able to make a mini tornado, I could probably make a big one but this was not the place. After a few hours, I was finally let go and all I wanted was the tub of ice cream I had left in the freezer, which Pietro was eating, bad move.

"Give me my ice cream.." I was not in the mood for him right now.

"What you gonna do, fight me for it?" He laughed.

So in response, I flicked my hand, creating the long flame sword made of fire. He was so shocked, putting the ice cream on the counter and speeding off.

"I have got to call Shuri, this is gonna be so funny.."

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