095| Technology

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I live with three men over the age of 100.

So naturally, technology doesn't come easily to them. Like Thor.

"Um.. what are you doing?" I said, passing Thor attempting to swipe through Netflix using the TV screen, like a fucking iPad.

"Lady Y/N! I think there is something wrong with the screen!" He said, almost making a crake in the screen with his aggressive ass tapping.

"Maybe its because you need to use a remote to-"

"Y/N what does 'Streaks" mean, Peter wants me to do it on that yellow app with the ghost?!" Steve asked, running into the room.

"Basically you-"

"Y/N what the hell is a meme-" Bucky yelled into the room.

"Okay! Everyone on the sofa we will deal with one senior citizen at at time!" I yelled, sitting them in front of me.

They all got on the sofa and I decided that this was a group teaching moment, everyone can learn something.

"Thor,  this is a remote. You use it to control the TV.  You can't use your fist and expect it to pick your show, thats why we had to get a new TV because you broke it. Steve, a streak is something on Snapchat where you send a picture everyday and you get a little number thing. Bucky, a meme is a funny picture that you send to people to make them laugh. Anything else?"

"Sam said I'm 'at the top of his best friends list on snapchat', how do I not be at the top. I don't want to be on a list of his best friends.." Bucky asked.

"Block him, next!"

"When you scream at someone named 'Mrs Keisha', what do you mean?" Thor asked.

"It's a quote, from Vine. Next!"

"What's a butt dial and how can I stop doing them?" Steve asked.

"Accidentally calling someone from your pocket. Please turn off your phone I don't need to hear you and Nat, its fucking traumatising. Anything else or can I leave?"

"Where is viral because apparently I went there, thats what TikTok people say.." Steve said, handing me his phone.

Steve had indeed gone viral on TikTok for a post he accidentally made of his forehead and then he's yelling at me for not knowing how to work it. His second video was off him messing around with filters and that blew up. I found it pretty funny that the old man accidentally did that.

I made it a point to teach the old men how the modern aged worked, someone had to do it. I give them my all, even when I'm still fucking grounded for my Europe stunt, bad things came as a result of that. But you know not of said bad things, do you? Sucks to be you I guess. Don't worry, the truth is coming.

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