08| Carol?

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"Okay team, Carols coming to earth today!"

"Who the hell is Carol?"

"She is Captain Marvel, an Avenger who works off world, she's great" Steve said.

"I know, I am great"

A blonde figure appeared through the meeting rooms doorway and took the open seat. I looked at her and got a vibe, this was not straight. If she was, my life was probably a lie. 

"Who's the new girl?" She turned, locking eyes with me.

"That's Y/N, she's pretty powerful and very annoying"

"Thanks Tony, always a pleasure"

"Hm, she seems cool.."

"Cool? Lady I'm the shit"

"Y/N, language!"

"Steve, I didn't ask!"

"I like her.."

We wrapped up the meeting and I sprinted to Peter. I mean he's been here longer, he has already met her, he should know. 

"Peter.. is Carol straight?"

"I don't talk to Mrs. Carol very much, she's scary.."

"Pete you think everyone is scary.."

"I know I do, why do you think she isn't straight?"

"Theres a vibe. I big vibe."

"Every decision you make is based on a vibe!"

"Please, you know I'm right.."

"I know.."

We sat discussing how to test my theory and decided we needed to send two people in, Thor and Nat, to talk to her. First Thor, who she was not into. I mean he can be annoying, he probably was talking about his hammer or Asgard or his brother, all very boring things. Then we sent in Nat, she was into that conversation. I mean it was Nat what did we expect?

"Maybe it's because Nat's really nice?" Peter said.

"Thor definitely talked about the hammer, nobody cares about the hammer."

"What's going on here?"

We froze as we heard Carols voice behind us. We slowly turned around to face her, Peter was right she is scary.

"Hey Carol.. what's up.."

"What are you two doing?"


"Ah, you want to know if I'm straight or not.."

"What? No!... but are you?"

"I guess you'll never know." She said as she left the room.

"See! I told you!"

"Maybe you're right.. so who else in the tower do you think is not straight?"

"Steve Roger.. nobody starts a Civil War just because.."

"Oh shit yeah, we send in Wanda and Bucky?"

"Ow yeah, come on lets go.."

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