042| Wanda

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We all have our comfort characters, but I had a comfort person and I hated it, more than anything, when they were upset.

"Wanda, are you alright?"

It was a particularly thought mission, the jet was silent as we rode back and I could tell that out of everyone, Wanda was the most upset.

"I'm fine.."

"No your not.."

I sat with her, holding her hand as she gazed out the window all the way back to the tower. We got back and Wanda went straight to her room, which upset me. Wanda loved to bake something after missions, she would do it no matter what, but this time she chose not to. So I put matters into my own hands.

"For Wanda.."

Now I'm completely brilliant and talented in everything I do, we know that, but when it came to cooking let's just say I could possible set the house on fire. However when it was for someone I really cared about, I would try my best.

"Cookie, cookies are easy, right?!"

I had JARVIS show me recipes and YouTube tutorials because I wanted these to taste good. After I had put them in the oven, I sat in front of the oven, looking through the glass at them baking.

"Kid, you feeling okay?"

"Tony! Hey, I'm doing good.."

He got on the floor next to me, looking into the oven and seeing my marvellous creation.

"What are you doing.."

"Wanda always bakes after missions but today was a lot for her so I'm making her something!"

"Your a great friend.."

Friend, right..

After a while, I took them out of the oven and headed to Wanda's room. I knocked on the door and received no answer.

"Maximoff, it's me, can I come in?"


"Yeah its me, can I come in?"


I opened the door to see Wanda, wiping her tears away. 


"Did you make me cookie.."


"What kind.."

"Chocolate chip, because you always say that chocolate makes things better.."

"Get over here.."

I sat down beside her, showing her the goods and taste testing them.

"These are surprisingly good.."

"Ouch" I laughed.

"Maybe I should get you to bake with me more often.."

"You should, I'm actually not as tragic as you would have guessed.."

"Thank you, for doing this. It really was a good pick me up"


I pulled her in, holding my arm around her as she lay her head on my shoulder. 

"I hope you feel better, Maximoff.."

"Why do you call me that?"

"I don't know, do you not like it?"

"No I do, its cute.."

"Okay Maximoff.."

We sat in her room, watching a movie and laughing the night away. I think she definitely felt better now and my job had been done. We eventually fell asleep in her room, after a perfect evening.

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