061| Hide and Go Seek

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"You have this big ass tower and we HAVE NEVER PLAY HIDE AND GO SEEK?"

This, to me, was the biggest issue I had decided to deal with on this Tuesday afternoon. You know I did actually have things to do, places to be-

"Why aren't you at school!?"

Fair point Tony, I most likely should have been there, except I didn't want to be.


"We have to play hide and seek cause-"

"Why is Peter here?!"

"Do we tell him or?"

"Nah Peter, just leave homie in the-"

"Oh what did you do!"

Currently, the school was open, due to it being partly burnt down. Did I intently commit arson, all law enforcement please look away, yes.

"Look, we have to call an emergency squad meeting!" I said, looking to Peter.

"You aren't allowed to call team meetings!" Tony said, bro keep your noose out of our conversations.

"I will be be calling a meeting, of my squad. The cool ones.."

The gang, homies, the besties. We were the cool kids.

"Team, I have gathered you before me to prepare for a mission. Hide and go Seek."

Before me, sat the cool dudes. Greasy, spiddy, birdbrain, robo bitch, the himbo, the track star and my darling Wanda. You get the picture, the squad. 

"We have never played that?!" Sam yelled.

"Thats what I said!" I yelled back. "So here's the plan, we need a seeker and I vote we make the assassin hunt us down.."

"I'm up for that.." Bucky said, to my surprise.

"He is gonna count to 100, the rest of us, run.."

"Wait aren't you all mean to be in school?!" Sam said, before we could go.

"Y/N kinda burnt-"

"Pietro don't be vision, don't be a snitch.."

So we scattered, running around that huge ass tower and I had only one idea in mind. The vents.

"You aren' going up there, are you?!" Wanda said, holding my hand as to stop me from doing something dumb.

"I'll be fine love, I'll just like, teleport?"

"You have no idea what you're doing, your gonna get hurt!" She said.

"I'm okay, I'll be fine.."

So I teleported into the vents, it was a cool area cause I could see absolutely everything that was happening. 

"Ready or not, here I come!"

Bucky had been looking for about 10 minutes before he finally found Peter, on the ceiling.

"Your really obvious, like really obvious.." he said as Peter lowered from the ceiling.

Next he found Speedy, he had just given up and sat on the sofa, he's no fun. After an hour, everyone was rounded up, instead of me, who was vibing to some tunes in the vents.

"Wanda, you know where she is!" Bucky said, almost interrogating my girlfriend.

"I am not gonna tell on her, she wouldn't be impressed with me.." 

Truth was, I was spying from the vents. I decided to climb through the vents, the one in which let to the middle of the room. That was my down fall, both physically and metaphorically.

So I like, maybe, sort of, fell through the ceiling..

"Oh my god!" Wanda yelled, running over to me.

"I'm fine.." I said, attempting to laugh, "The laughing hurts.."

"Seriously, you fell through the roof! I told you you would get hurt!" She said, helping me up.

"Did I win?" I said through the pain.

"Thats what you say?! You could have killed yourself!" She said sitting me on a chair.

"Nobody tell Tony because he-"


"How did he know it was me?!"

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