0150| Sam and Bucky

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Look, Scott's partly responsible for the delay in the wedding.

I was very excited to get up, get my hair done, get dressed and give my dad away to the man he loved. I had everything worked out, down to the second.

Well, I didn't anticipate Scott's stupidity.

Steve drove Bucky, Sam and me to the venue to set up early, allowing every else to arrive at the assigned time. I was in Bucky's room, helping him get ready and preparing him for the best day of his life.

Well except the day that I came into his life, nobody can replace this bad bitch.

"You've been around for a good 100 years and still fail to took presentably!" I said, fixing his suit jacket.

"You've been on top of everything with this wedding.." He smiled as I continued to fix him up, "That reminds me, can I see the rings? The photographer wants to take a photo of them.." Bucky asked.

"Yeah um, I gave them to other dad. Let me just-" I awkwardly said, practically running out of the room.

You see the thing is, Scott was meant to pick them stupid rings, although at that moment I realized I never actually received them. So I sprinted to Steve, I mean if he didn't have them then, I didn't know what to do.

"Knock knock!" I yelled from outside the door as I burst in, hoping they weren't naked, thankfully they were not, "Can I speak to the capsical for just a second!"

Now by my violentish tone, Steve was automatically concerned and excused himself from the room that the other groom was in to see what the obvious issue was.

"I don't think we have rings-"

"WHAT?!" He yelled.

"Shut the fuck up! Sam and Bucky don't know about it!" I whisper shouted.

"Why don't we have rings Y/N?!" Steve frantically yelled.

"I told Scott to pick them up like, a week ago. He never gave them to me!" I said in defence.

"Did u call him?!"

Well, actual no, that would have been logical.

One phone call later we discovered that Scott failed to collect the rings since he thought that the wedding was next week. I love Scott and all, but at that moment he was on my hit list.

We didn't even bother to explain where we were going to anyone, because time was running out and we needed to go fast.

Arriving at the jewellers, our worst fear became true.

"Closed, family holiday, will be back on Friday-" Steve read of the glass door, "This is very bad!"

"No shit Sherlock!" I yelled back.

Steve decided that we should make some calls and see if there was any way for us to get in, legally. Whereas I decided that I could teleport for a reason.

So while he made calls, I made my way inside. Not only was I greeted by an alarm, but a very violent beagle. That poor pupper wasn't happy to see me.

However, I got the ring, left at least triple of what it was worth and fled from the crime I had just committed, only to be greeted by captain hard-ass who lectured me on my impatience.

I really didn't care, I had fixed it.

Arriving back at the venue, with literally 10 minutes to spare, we received a lot of questions about where we were. We simply pushed through the crowds and headed for our designated groom, knowing we would be yelled at.

"Buck I-"

"You ran away?! That's Sam and I's job!" He yelled.

"Bitch I didn't run, I strutted. But I got the rings, Scott didn't pick them up for me and so I brought Steve to help me get them.." I explained.

Once the air was cleared, we were ready to go. No turning back now. Sam was waiting at the alter for me to bring Buck to him, a Buck who was very nervous.

"I'm very proud of you Dad. Your gonna do amazing.." I said, fixing his jacket for the final time.

"Thank you Y/N, for everything.." He smiled, linking arms with me.

"Let's get this party started.." I laughed, although apparently this was a serious occasion and my laugh wasn't appreciated.

Walking down the aisle with my dad, I made sure to give a very threatening glare at Scott before looking to others in the crowd.

Apparently, a lot of people liked these two.

Now I know what y'all wanna hear, the vows. So let's just jump on over to them, shall we?

"Bucky, you have made me the happiest man alive to be able to stand here in front of our loved one's and call you mine. I love your annoying, obsessively starting ass so much, sometimes it hurts. When you love someone as much as I love you, you will gladly ask them to marry you on a park bench with a homeless man's blessing, because someone like you was made for me. I love you and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.." Sam finished, bring the room to tears.


"Sam. I've been alive for over 100 years and never once have I loved someone as much as you. You know everything about me, you always have time for me and my kid, you know how to cheer me up on a bad day and even sometimes what I'm thinking. Which is kinda scary. Others knew you were the only one for me before I even knew.." He said, turn to me and then back to Sam. "It took admitting to myself that it was okay to be loved again to see that. You, Sam Wilson, fixed me. So in some way, you complete me.." He finished.

Okay, I see why they're all crying I couldn't stop either.

"Does anyone have any objections to why this union shall not be made?" The officiator asked the crowd.

When I tell you I stared Steve down with such a threatening look that he knew he couldn't do anything. Because nothing was going to happen, that hoe better not try nothing.

"Then we can continue.."

Thank fuck, good job keeping it in your pants frozo.

"Sam, do you take Bucky to be your lawfully wedded husband, for as long as you both shall live?" He asked.

"I do.." Sam answered with a massive smile.

"And do you, Bucky, take Sam to be your lawfully wedded husband, for as long as you both shall live?" He asked once again.

"I do.." He smiled again.

"Then by the power invested in me by officiators.org, you are married, you may kiss the groom!" He announced.

The beautiful ceremony was sealed by a kiss, allowing the groom and groom to head off for who knows what before the reception.

And boy was the receptionist and an entirely new story to tell.

It was well, eventful.

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