0133| Custody

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Formally, I have a heck tone of names.

It's not because I'm fancy or anything, I'm the communal kid. Everyone sort of parents me as a community. It takes a village, someone. famous once said that.

So when the team of parents wanted to officially and legally make me there own, we had to head to court.

I had to go too, being the one who the other three parents were after. I even had to take the stand, which Tony, Steve, Nat and Bucky were all highly concerned with.

"Just say you want us to be your parents, convince the judge.." Steve explained.

"But like, what if I don't want you to be my parent?" I asked.

"This is not the time!" Tony yelled, I mean he already had adopted me, he just needed to share his kiddo.

"Sorry, guess I hit a nerve.." I mumbled.

"Just be honest-"

"Mom, if I was honest then I would have to discuss Sharon, my many kidnappings, the fact that i've run away more than once and much more.." I shrugged.

"Okay, only be honest about the good stuff.." Bucky instructed.

"Aren't you supposed to take some oath about not lying or some shit like that.." I asked.

"Just try your best, that's all I can ask you to do.." Steve said leaving the room with a pretty good face plant.

Then we drove to the court house and stood waiting in the halls for our case to be called, everyone fully shitting it.

When we walked into the court room, most of the other members of our team were in the benches and waiting for us to begin. Everyone looked nervous as hell, I was just told to come here and look respectful.

"All four of you want legal custody of Ms. Stark, is that correct?" Judge Ross asked.

"Yes, your honor.." Steve responses, like a man who does his jury duty.

"Can we call Ms. Stark to the stand please?" The judge asked as she gestured to the officers.

I was let through and on the stand. A little but nervous because apparently they could take Tony away from me too, something the failed to educate me on before I arrived. Bitches.

"Now Ms. Y/N, has any member of the group appealing to be your legal guardian ever put you in harms way?" She asked.

"Well, doing the work I do, harm is low key inevitable.." I explained.

"I have your past records-"

"We don't have to get into that currently.." I interrupted.

I mean that interruption was mainly because nobody on the team was aware of my past. They didn't know how I grew up, how I ran. Only Wanda really knew, the others were aware of absolutely nothing.

Bucky, Steve and Nat looked highly confused by me asking for my record not being read aloud. The same face of confusion was placed on the face of the Judge.

"May I enquire as to why?" She asked, shuffling my documents in her hands.

"I would prefer that my private information is not on display to my friends and family.." I explained, hoping she would just do me a solid and not discuss it.

She obviously thought about it for a moment, before she decided to dismiss people spectating the case. Leaving just me, my parents and a Judge to determine the faith of whether I belonged to these people.

"Now, let's review your foster care records.." She said without bother.

I guess it's all coming out now.

"Put into the system almost two months after birth, homed in at least 17 different foster homes till the age of 13. This was due to bad behavior and constant unrest while being in these homes.." She began. "Age 12 Ms. Stark was arrested for aggravated assault, along with an arson charge that was involved in the assault case.."

You should have seen the look on the four people behind that desks face, I just felt so awful.

"The charges were dropped after future evidence was discovered and then shortly after Ms. Y/N was let free and reached the age of 13, she went off the grid.." She removed her eyes from the paper and then back to me, preparing to ask the questions. "Why did you commit these actions?"She asked.

Now. all the jokes and giggled were gone, I had to actually give a proper answer to these questions.

"Well.. I was a kid. I was a kid that didn't know what it was like to be loved. I was pushed into a particularly unfriendly home and the other kids that weren't taking a liking to me. I was more alone than ever and when I couldn't take it any more, there was fire lit from my hand in a minor matter of rage and a few punches thrown.." I explained, dropping my head in the process.

"What do you mean by 'not knowing what it was like to be loved'?" She asked.

"There was nobody who ever looked after me, I was completely alone in a crowded room. I never felt what it was like to be loved until I became an Avenger. I had people there for me for the first time in my life. I had a father, multiple fathers, people who cared for me. I had a mother who watched out for me. I didn't feel alone. I learned to love from the experience, learning to love my partner, Natasha was the one to help me through it all. Without these people, I wouldn't be me.."

Unknowingly, tears had begun to stream down my face. I guess thinking about a period of my life I wanted to forget was alarming.

I guess I'm a lot more serious than we expected.

"Do you want these people to adopt you?" She bluntly asked.

"Of course I do.."

Eventually I was let off the stand and the court was temporarily dismissed for a break, leaving us outside as a group, alone where question could be asked.

"Why didn't you tell us.." Steve asked, leaning against the wall in the vacant hallway.

"I was a kid, by the time I got the guts to explain it all to you I was too old.." I said from the opposite wall, "I'm not all sunshine and laughter, I've been through a lot.." I explained.

"We've all done things, we would have understood.." Nat tried to reason.

"I was going to be liked away, but for some reason I was let go. I ran like hell when I was let free. I do what I do because I was given a second chance.." I quietly spoke.

"We never knew.." Bucky muttered.

"You know what I tell you. When I was 14, that wasn't a lot.." I explained, before being called back into the court.

Everyone was on the stand, everyone was questioned. It was clear that while they still wanted me, they were still a bit shaken up by learning about who they let in there home. Finally, we got a verdict.

"In the case of 17 year old Y/N Stark, the court had ruled in favor of allowing Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers and James Barnes to legally adopt Y/N Stark, now to change her name to Y/N Stark Rogers Barnes Romanoff.." She called, banging her gravel on the table.

It was a joyful thing, everyone was up hugging with happiness. I was officially there child. It was amazing.

Then when we got home, I was pulled into a meeting room with my now legal parents for questions.

"We as a group would like to hear your story, from your point of view.." Tony asked.

Oh boy.

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