0174| Why Me

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Don't you wish you could have just left it alone, I mean you do, cause I'm well, you.

I wish I had just left it alone.

Bingo, bullseye, right on the money.

Life probably wouldn't have been easier if I had just stopped looking into things.

Nah, our life has been pretty fucking great.

It all begun three days after I turned 18.

I wasn't the first person to notice how strange Tony and Steve acted when I brought up their secret little meetings. They would both run off, occasionally being joined by Doctor Strange or Nick Fury, discussing who knows what.

Well, now we know exactly what.

I think after noticing this for a few months I realized I had to figure this out. I mean, the information can't be too hard to find. All I got to do is use my big squishy brain and crash a meeting.

2:04 pm.

I checked the meeting board and saw they had a time pencilled in already. I mean they really make this too easy

I decided to wait outside the door, every meeting room we had used glass doors, except the one they decided on. No windows, just a single door. Although after Steve entered the room, he failed to shut it fully, leaving a small gap for me to peek through.

Tony immediately accessed Jarvis, pulling up a file.

"Meeting number 248 of Operation tropical thunder.." He spoke, me leaning against the door to listen.

Tropical Thunder, dumb fucking name.

Twas indeed.

"Have we worked to soundproof this room yet?" Steve asked Tony.

"Not yet but-" He stopped to look to the slightly open door, moving to it, "-If you keep this damn door closed nobody will hear us!" He spoke, shutting it.

Luckily your girl wasn't seen but at least I had a slight lead. I mean after what Nick had said to me, at least it was something.

'Watch your back, advice from a very experienced spy.'

2:53 pm.

I do indeed still have full access to Jarvis, so finding a file on the meeting should have been easy as fuck.

"Jarvis, pull up the file to Operation Tropical Thunder.." I said once I was alone in my room.

"I am afraid you do not have access to that, Ms Y/N.." They replied.

"Well, why the hell not?" I asked.

"Mr Stark has blocked you from accessing this file.." That was the answer I received.

So I guess Tropical Thunder was about me, sly fuckers.

7:44 pm.

So I just had to stumble onto the file. Lucky one of the people who had access to it, according to the AI, was Steve. So much later in the evening, I asked Jarvis once again what files were open by who in the tower.

"Thor is watching My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic-"

"Still?!" I interrupted.

"Yes. Mr Stark is listening to AC/DC, Mr Rogers is accessing the file, Operation Tropical Thunder-"


So the plan was to distract him to the point where he would leave the file open, I go in very quickly with a USB stick and download the information. They really do forget I have two highly trained spies as parents.

Now all I had to think of was a distraction to get Steve out of his office.

Spoiler, I had to pay Peter 20 bucks to do my bidding once again. His doing dumb things for me is surprisingly not cheap, although he doesn't ask questions, so.

"Mr Rogers! Y/N broke into your shields case, again!" He yelled, making Steve run after the spider boy to save his precious baby.

While he was being so concerned about his lump of metal, I copied the open file, not even looking at what it said on the screen in front of me. I wanted to make sure I had actually gotten away with it first.

8:32 pm.

Although after a half an hour debate with my father over the fact his glass display case would need to be replaced for like the fifth time this week, I was finally able to load it up to my laptop and see what was in store for me.

There was so much information on there that it took forever to load up like I could have made a whole ass batch of cookies in the time it took to get this all onto my laptop.

Guess whatever this is was gonna be a lot of fucking reading.

9:06 PM.

Finally, I got the ding that this was done, I mean took my laptop long enough.

The first thing I saw was folders, like 30 of them. With names like missions, parties, family, public, press. All places.

However, the first one I clicked on was titled The Device.

As soon as I began to read it, I grabbed my neck. No fucking way.

Yeah, fucking way bitch. Shocking ass turn of events, am I right? I think my input is not helping so, I'm gonna shut up. I just felt like telling younger me this wasn't the end, although it was supposed to be.

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