03| Drivers Licence

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I knew how to make an entrance and this caught the attention of the entire team.

"What why?"

"Because I need to know if 'Drivers Licence' hits different after a break up? While someone just do it.. for science."

"Someone just do it and pacify her!" Tony yelled.

They sat deciding who would have to do it until they decided it was probably best if Peter did it. He walked over to me and let out a sigh before delivering the fake news.

"I'm breaking up with you. You're insane and I don't think we're right for each other. I'm sorry"

I left the room and the team was confused. Then they heard the sound to the heartbreaking song Drivers License, which was blaring on full volume from my bedroom. About 10 minutes later, I arrived back into the room and wiping my tears away.

"They were right, it really does hit different.."

"Y/N are you okay?" Tony asked.

"I listened to that song, of course I'm not okay!"

"What is this driving song you speak off?" Thor asked.

"Thor you should have stayed quiet because-"

"Oh wow okay ,Thor we have so much to talk about!"

I sprinted back to my room and grabbed my laptop. Earlier, I had found a link to the entire drama behind the song and it was displayed via PowerPoint. I made my way back to the team and set everything up to do a full presentation. I discussed every part of the drama concerning the song and what it all meant.

"So she's the blonde girl!?" 

"Yes Thor, that's who it is!"

"He is a cruel mortal, I will go pay him a visit!"


Thor flew up and left the tower. I didn't know how to stop him so I just ran through the city, yelling for him to come back.

"See Y/N, Joshua is gonna die and that's on you" Tony giggled.

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