018| Oops

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"Has anyone seen Y/N?"

Yes leaving me alone was a very bad idea. Probably because this time around, I had really managed to do something stupid. Well I mean it wasn't entirely my fault, the big scary Hydra men had a hand in it.

"It's been hours since I last saw her, she's definitely at something" Steve said.

"Sir, Hydra has requested you to join a live stream" Jarvis announced to the room.

"Wait what?! Okay let me in now!"

JARVIS played the live stream, revealing me, tied up, talking about Greys Anatomy.

"And the Meredith was all like,'Pick me, choose me, love me," and-"

"Hello Tony Stark-" Hydra guy who I named Brian announced.

"Oh my god is that Tony?! Hey Tony, just filling these boys in on Meredith and Dereks love story, they are really interested right now!"

"Shut up child"

"Bitch I'm not a child."

"What the hell is Y/N doing" Steve muttered

"Shush! We have your kid Stark, we're open for negation. Let's say.. the tesseract for Y/N, seem fair"

"Tony, do not do that! I can handle this!" I called, already breaking for the hand cuffs.

I threw fire at bot, of the guard who dared to place their hands on my shoulder and then took a swift right hook to Brians face. 

"So I'm gonna need a car ride home, I'm not sure where the hell I am. I can get some information too if you want. Also I just wanna say, Steve Rogers, I know you gave me an eye roll from over in that compound and I'll give you this to sit on while I just destroyed you expectations"

I threw him the middle finger before hacking into Hydra with the moves Nat had thought me. I gathered as many files as possible before trying to find an exit door to this hell hole. I stepped into the sunshine to see my ride wasn't even here yet, assholes. Surely Tony Stark could find this place, being the smart one from this group.

A black sports car came into my view after sitting outside for a while, I mean I had passes a few levels of Candy Crush during the waiting period. Tony made a terrible parking job before jumping out of the car and running towards me, pulling me in for a massive hug.

"You scared me kid!"


"Wait, have you been out here long?"

"Oh yeah, here's Hydra files and a few unconscious white men"

I threw him a small USB stick while walking over and getting into the car.

"Its weird how it's always white men. Like I bet it was all done by a band of straight white men with the first name Greg"

The Gen-Z Avenger (One-Shots!)Where stories live. Discover now