0146| Suits

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We would much rather attend the wedding in sweatpants.

Bucky was a firm believer in, 'live, laugh, sweatpants' and honestly, I agree. So when he asked if we could just wear them instead of a suit, I obviously agreed. I did what I should as the best bitch.

That groomzilla looking bird-brained hoe was against the idea when we told him, insane is a trash look on Sam.

"-and on our third re-run of Vampire Diaries, we decided that sweatpants was the move.." I explained to Sam, actually seeing that vine pop in his forehead.

"You are telling me-" Sam began, barely holding back his anger, "-you too, IDIOTS, want to wear sweatpants to MY wedding?!" Okay, he was pissed.

"Our wedding dear.." Bucky corrected, wrong move sis.

"Get off your asses and get your fits organized!" Sam yelled, leaving us scared to move, "NOW!" He screamed, making us both jump up and run out the door.

Yeah so apparently suit shopping is difficult, especially when two idiots are involved. I mean was there a theme, a colour, a style?

We were suit virgins if you will.

"Do we go matching?" Bucky asked as we found ourselves in the food court.

"I don't think Sam would like that.." I explained.

"Where do our suits come from? Usually when I'm getting ready a new one just, appears.." He explained.

"Wait a minute, the father has like, a lot of money. He provides the magic suits!" I realized.

"Oh, that's unfortunate. I thought there was some magic suit fairy that appeared to give me free things.." Bucky said in sorrow.

"I wanna believe that too.."

So after getting some food, we head to Anthony who set up with his tailor. I mean all it took was for use to get measured and then look at what the gal suggested, which was great stuff.

I chose a monochromatic dark red suit, paired with some black heels, which apparently I had to wear. The undershot was lace, the same colour as the jacket, really topping off the look.

Bucky opted for a black suit, something casual but yet formal.

All and all it was a good days work.

Sam returned to us watching TV, in sweatpants, thinking that we hadn't done anything yet today. I could finally yell at that control freak.

"Tell me you two haven't been on your asses all day!" He yelled, definitely making his presence known.

"Actually, we're all done-"

"Well, I'm not done! Did you know how hard it is to get 620 Loft & Garden for our date!" He yelled.

"Samuel.." I said, getting up and placing both of my hands on each of his shoulders, "Life is easy when Tony Stark likes you.."

The glimmer of hope in that sad little man's eyes sparked an unknown determination. Finally, groomzilla smiled.

But as I said, try not to fall out of favour with Tony, he's a powerful man. Unless he falls out of favour with you, then that's another story. Take into consideration someone like myself, I could kill him and walk out without a scratch.

Purely hypothetical by the way...

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