033| Nikki

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"So, Fury is going to be coming today cause he hasn't met the kid yet." 

Back when I was first taken to became a super bro, I had been putting off meeting Fury. He was meant to be some big scary man that even scared Tony a small bit, even though Tony would never admit that. I however had met a certain Captain Marvel before him and knew the secrets. Like the secret of his eye.

"Do I have to do this, today?"

"Whats you issue with meeting new people?"

"I would but I'm just to lazy. Like show him my instagram, I look hot on there."

"Suck it up, it was going to have to happen eventually."

Oh poor little naive Steve, he didn't know what was going to hit him. Was I going to be the first person to take Nick Fury down? I don't know and I'm definitely too lazy to find out. I was just here to annoy him, its kinda my job around here.

I heard a helicopter lowering onto the helipad and knew, this was my moment. My time to shine.

"Hello Avengers, I believe there's someone I have got to meet?"

"Yeah there is, she's in the meeting room" Steve said, walking him in to join me.

I was sat at the back of the long board table, at the head of the table of course. 

"Nicolas, bout time we go to meet"

"It's Fury to you"

"Is it?"

"Okay Y/N, thats enough" Steve said, trying to shut me up.

"If its alright, I would like to speak with Fury, alone"

Steve was definitely unsure of whether it was a good idea to not be alone with such a man as Fury, a man who had a loaded gun and myself, who had all that loaded information. Steve decided to just go with it, I mean what else could he have done?

"So, Nikki. Glad to meet you."

"Like I said, it's Fury to you."

"I know how you got that eye, or should I say, lost it."

"So do I, in battle"

"Twas a cat"

"How in the hell do you know that.."

"I have my ways, sources"

"What do you want.."

"I mean you could say I'm the most dangerous person to you currently. I have you secrets-"


"I know about the toast, Nikki"

"Oh hell no. This is bad."

"I want out of weekend trainings, Steve won't let that happen, so it can be an order from you. I know you kept files on Nat from when you first recruiting her and after some digging I discovered that SHIELD has her baby photos, I need them. I also need this line to stay open, as in you have my back, always. I'm an asset to you Fury, I have full access to JARVIS and I have the flaming fingers."

"I'll do all that, you just keep you mouth shut!"

"Pleasure doing business with you"

We walked outside together, meeting Steve and filling him in on how things would be going working in regards for weekends.

"Oh what did you do to him Y/N!"

"Nothing, Fury just agrees that I am more suited not training"

"How does that make sense!?"

"I don't know, it just does.."

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