053| Steve

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Things have a way of working themselves out. That's what Tony says.

"Were pregnant!"

Now how in the hell is this one gonna work itself out Tony, you gonna take a clothes hanger to Sharon or something?

I mean the first thing I though was to get a paternity test, cause I'm actually smart, but nobody else agreed.

"Why can't you just be happy for me Y/N, I'm having a kid!"

So it's safe to say that this was a conversation I did try to prevent but failed in doing so.

"Why is it so important what I think?! This isn't my life but it sure as hell is my problem!"

"Your the closet thing I had to a kid for years and now you can't even look at me, do you know how that feels?!"

"Do you know how it feels to have you girlfriend turn the residents of this tower against me?! She tried to kill me twice, I'm trying to stay alive!"

"Your not telling the truth, she-"

"She is what ever the fuck you believe but to me, I know what she really is because I'm actually looking at the fact! Your were everything to me and now, you're just another person to let me down and make me the bad guy!"

That was honestly the perfect time for me to start my like villain arch, but this wasn't the place to explore what that would look like. Spoiler alert, I look very good, a little too hot for some people to handle.

"Kid, you-"

"No! You can call me that when I can trust you, you ruined my life and now you're having a kid with the women who did so, I would say congratulations but I don't really care!"

For weeks, the news of Satan carrying Steve's child destroyed me. I was, well according to Loki, a hot ass mess. That was until Bruce, an absolute icon, pulled through on Sharons 12 week appointment. She said she only wanted the best for her little baby.

"So um, Steve this is your baby.. right?"

Come on Banner, do it, I know you want to.

"Yeah of course, I mean who else would be?" He laughed.

"Anyone else, but you"

So if you don't understand, let me spell it out for you. The devil went off and fucked someone else, made Steve believe it was his for weeks and then got exposed.

So it's safe to say that Sharon was gone, like bye bitch I won't miss you, but lets go back to when Bruce broke the news.

"I amn't the dad.." Steve said, tear streaming down his face.

"Thats false, he is the dad!"

"This isn't fake Sharon and I um, I think its best is you go.."

Steve was beyond upset but he still managed to get to my room.

"Oh what is it now Steve I-"

I was inturpted to him grabbing me, pulling me in for a hug. It was highly unexpected and I just went with it, hearing him cry.

"Let it out Steve, it's okay.."

"It's not mine.." He whispered.

I was shocked, I mean I though that it could have happened but never expected Sharon to actually have done this to him. I spent hours in silence with Steve, ever so often he would whisper that he was sorry. I mean I wanted my dad back but just not like this.

"Kid I should have believed you.."

"I know, I know.."

"I just thought that I could love her, even if it meant my whole world falling to the ground.."

"I'm here, as long as you need.."

After a few days, Steve had gotten a bit better and decided that we needed to get everything out on the table.

"So, anything you want to say?" He said.

"You should have listened to me, I am literally always right and I have cool new powers.."

"New powers?!"

"Well you banned any conversation about me, no wait Sharon did, and so nobody told you. I swear I don't know how I didn't slice that bitch in half.."

"You can do that?!"

Instead of using my powers, I deployed the flame sword and Steves jaw dropped, but then for some reason, he laughed.

"I really fucking missed you kid.."

"Ayo Captain, watch the language.."

"Your ruining the moment.."

"I know.."

I guess Tony was right, things have a way of working themselves out.


I actually love Sharon (I know it doesn't look like it from this, but I do). A lot of comments were saying that they were skipping cause they like her but its a lil bit important to the storyline so. I also missed my boy Steve, who I do love as well, so bestie has returned.

Also thank you for 40k reads like wow I don't know what to say

Love you all

- Jamie :)

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