089| Jimmy Fallon

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Jimmy Fallon had invited me on his show.

I never thought I would have made it onto such a prestige show such as this, but being one of Twitters favourite people and an Avenger may have helped a little.

"Tonight, ladies and gentleman I have a big surprise for you. You may remember her as the girl who put down a sexist interviewer not too long ago, the media called it an 'uncalled for outburst' but twitter called it the 'future'. Give a round of applause for Y/N Stark!" Jimmy called as I walked out to that instantly recognisable set.

You may be like, 'hey bestie Y/N, did your dads give you any rules?'. Truthfully, yes they did, but as we all know I'm not one who enjoys to follow what they say. In fact, tonight we would be releasing the most wanted secret and the most boring question reporters have asked me, who is Y/N Starks girlfriend? 

"Thanks for having me tonight Jimmy!" I said, fixing myself on the seat.

"Well you have caused quite the media frenzy, first you being a Stark and then your interview.." He laughed, "Although your aren't just a Stark, there has been many reports over your relationship with Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes.."

"Well Tony adopted me a while back and Steve and Bucky were always there to parent me. It's a joint effort really, in a way all three of them are what I would consider my dads. Natasha too, she plays a big roll in my life.." I replied.

"In the interview that you well, completely destroyed that women, good job by the way, there was little discussion on your powers. Would you demonstrate?" Jimmy asked, censoring for me to start.

"Well lets hope you have the smoke detectors off.." I laughed, preparing myself.

"What do you mean-"

Before he could finish, I showed the studio some fire, a bit of water in which was turned to ice, a plant that could grow in my hand and to finish it off, a tornado that was smaller that baby Groot himself. I really need to call space and see what Groot is doing.

"Wow.. that is extraordinary. I mean I think you know why I called you here tonight.." He said, as if I was supposed to know.

I mean bestie I just woke up and was told to be here, so you may need to elaborate.

"Is it because of my dazzling good looks and great personality?" I asked, I mean he thought I was joking.

"No, no. You have a partner and the public want to know who that is.." He said, bestie didn't know what was about to hit him.

"Well, I mean my dads are gonna kill me for this-"

"For what?" He asked.

"Ladies and gentlemen," I said turned to the crowd, I guess this is my show now, "My girlfriend, Ms. Wanda Maximoff-"

The look on Jimmys face when another Avenger strolled onto set was memes for years on end, also became known as the best surprised look to ever be captured on TV. The crowd exploded as my girl walked to the sofa, she did look amazing I'll give her that.

"Hello darling.." I said, standing up to greet her with a kiss.

She sat beside me, holding my hand and we bother looked to Jimmy, poor confused and shocked Jimmy.

"This is- what the hell is-"

"Cat got your tongue?" Wanda asked, followed by our joint giggles.

"When this begin?!" He frantically asked.

"Ow, a while ago.." I said, turning to Wanda.

"Whats happening, like are you in love or something?!" He questioned.

"Very, very much so" Wanda giggled.

You can only imagine the media after this went live. Everyone had something to say on the matter. Especially Twitter, but that was mainly good things.

Out of this experience I did get one thing, a fucking hate account. Some devoted there time to hate me and that how I really knew I made it. Thank your  @y/nhatepage_ you really, really made my week. I haven't stoped laughing your amazing thank you.

As you could probably tell, I was in a tiny bit of trouble, just a small bit-


Like I said, I was only in a tiny bit of trouble. But Steves a buzzkill and his opinion is irrelevant so, I think I'm good.

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