0170| Baby Gone Back

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Sometimes my fathers will just call Strange to make me a baby.

Like, I don't appreciate it when they decide to make me regular again but whenever they like Tony and Steve call up Strange and turn me into a little kid.

Apparently their holding something over Stephens head, blackmail vibes.

It's concerning you, fucking idiot. It's fucking you.

"I'm telling you Stark, you cannot keep doing this.." He said as he entered the room.

"Bitch relax, this is the first time I've asked you. The last time was your fuck up. Just do it.." Tony said, opening the door.

The plan was to strike when so was asleep and Wanda free. Pietro had taken her out early in the morning, leaving me alone and vulnerable for a wizard whore to come in and make me a four-year-old.

I hate them sometimes.

"So when she wakes up-" Tony spoke to Steve and Bucky outside his bedroom door, the room I had been asleep in, "- we feed her and get her dressed.."

"Maybe take her to the park-" Bucky said before being interrupted by a loud crash coming from the room.

When they all practically broke through the door they found me in a pile of Tony's suits. the bang being the rack they were hung off being pulled off the wall by yours truly.

"Hello.." I waved with the oversized jacket on and covering my hand.

I have to admire, I'm cute as fuck as a child.

"Hello sweetheart, you made quite the mess. Let's get you some breakfast.." Bucky said, lifting me up and exciting the room, shortly followed by Tony and Steve.

They made pancakes and sat down to have a family meal when Nat walked in.

"Did you three fuckers turn Y/N into a child again!" She yelled, instant fear setting into the fathers.

"Hehe, fuckers.." I giggled, everyone, turning to me.

"No Y/N, we don't say the F word-" Steve tried to parent.

"Say fuck, say it.." Bucky and Tony encourage, taking out their phones to record it.

"Do not tell her to do that!" Steve yelled, Nat just laughing along.

"Fuck.." I said, Tony and Bucky looking for a high five and Steve looking pissed. "Look what I can do!" I yelled again, creating fire in my hand.

"NO NO NO!" The three fathers yelled, Bucky preparing to use a fire extinguisher on me.

"You dumb fucks have brought this on yourself.." Nat giggled, getting herself some coffee.

"But why.." I said, putting I away.

"Because it could hurt someone, it's bad.." Steve said, allowing the four-year-old to burst into tears.

They did not know how to control a crying toddler, even allowing my powers to get out of control, causing a rainstorm to appear in the room we stood in.

"Now let's see what happened when she gets mad, spoiler alert, it's fire.." Nat giggled.

She was fucking enjoying herself.

"It's okay, you can calm down-" A dripping wet Tony shakily said, deciding to hug his daughter to calm her down, "How do we stop this?" He mouthed to the others.

That hug was some development I tell you.

Everyone did dry off and while they watched me play with something the discussion of how to prevent an aggressive toddler tantrum began to be discussed, child me decided to teleport.

"Bye-bye!" I announced, teleporting away.

"WAIT NO-" They yelled out, although they were too late, bestie was gone.

The search for a toddler began, they decided to check every place they could think of that I'd be found.

I mean I took my own little tour of the tower, seeing the pool, the gym, the cinema room. Sure I heard them yelling of my name, although I didn't care.

I was living my life to the fullest, toddler style.

When I heard Bucky practically hyperventilating to his husband about his child being dead, I enter the room and was practically squeezed to death.

"Hello, are you okay?" I asked, receiving the squeeze of death.

"OH YOUR OKAY! SHE'S OKAY! SOMEONE CALL STRANGE I WANT MY TEENAGER BACK I NEED HER BACK!" Bucky screamed, decided to run around with me being held very tight in his arms.

I was changed back, in the nick of time as for Wanda to come home. That doesn't mean so didn't give them hell.

"You dumb bastards better fucking stop turning me into a fucking child because I will fucking kill you!"

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