02| Loki

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"Y/N I need you to come down stairs and meet someone!"

God I had only woken up and already Tony was bossing me around. 

"Okay I'm coming!"

I made my way downstairs to see Thor. Surprising because Thor was usually off world and would make us aware before he visited. He was discussing something with Steve and Tony before they drew their eyes towards me.

"Lady Y/N, how are you?"

"Tired. Why did you make me get out of bed Tony?"

"Kid its 1 o'clock you should be out of bed! Anyways, Thor has brought Loki here and your going go see him"

"What's a Loki?"

They turned to each other in confusion. I mean I wasn't lying, what was a Loki?

"Loki, god of mischief. He is my brother and of Asgard. He sort of attacked New York a while ago and-"

"And so you thought it was a good idea to bring him back here, after he did all that?" 

I was being serious, probably for the first and last time ever. He brought his murderous, psychotic brother back even though he was a literal murder. Nice one Thor.

"I mean the kids got a point" Steve said in agreement. He's never agreed with me. It was weird.

"He has come to apologise"

"Hey sorry I killed all those people because I wanted to and I'm sorry that I literally attempted to take over your planet." I mocked.

"Just meet him! Then chose your opinions of him"

I was led into a room and saw this greasy ass grown man sitting in a chair. He was wearing clothing styled similar to Thor and had an unsettling smile plastered across his face.

"Loki, this is Y/N, she is one of the newest Avengers!"

"Y/N, pleasure to make your acquaintance"

"Great he's Shakespearean too. So you're adopted, how's that?"


"What just making conversation, at least I'm not bringing up his hair!"

"Whats wrong with my hair?"

"Its just very vey greasy, like have you washed it in the last decade?"

"You stupid Midgradian, I could kill you within seconds!"

"Bitch I'm not the one strapped to a chair!"

"Thor, this child is out of control!"

"Outside Loki and we shall see who is a better murder!"

"Okay guys lets not kill each-"

Steve was cut off by me summoning fire to my hands.

"Y/N fire off, turn it off!" Tony yelled.

I turned it off and Tony pulled me out of the room. Before I could leave, I summoned water to dunk over Loki. Tony and Steve burst out laughing while still trying to drag me out of the room.

"See asshole! Thats called washing your hair, you should try it sometime!"

They sat me in the living and waited for Thor to come out before saying anything.

"You literally just went after a god!" Steve yelled.

"What's Lokis zodiac sign, maybe that has something to do with it?"

"Y/N, you are insane!"

"Your the one who just made me meet a murder!"

"Okay true.. just try not to get yourself killed!"

"No promises.. do we have Nutella, I want Nutella"

I left the room like I definitely didn't just personally attack Loki and could have gotten on his hit list. It was fine, I'm sure someone else will come to kill me before he gets a chance.

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