0164| Disco Arm

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A while back, Shuri shipped me the 'disco arm 4000'.

Now you may be curious as to what the fuck this contraption is, well fear not, I shall explain.

A few weeks ago I hit up my girl Shuri who informed me of a new arm she had designed for Bucky. Its sole feature, disco mode. I said, 'bitch you send that to me and I will for sure pull out a switch'.

Then a plan was formed.

Wanda and I conspired for days, mowing that a trained assassin would see our cruel attempts coming. So I went to a man with not so similar motives, my step-father.

He was actually on board with the whole thing, like he agreed real fast.

The arm was designed to go into disco mode when Bucky said some phrases. I created a list of things that he regularly says and sent them to Shuri. The arm was under my bed for a while, the team needed a perfect time to strike.

Then Sam replaced the arms, completing the alliance. The plan had gone to perfection.

Everything about this arm was identical to his old one, bar the disco setting. We just had to wait for him to be himself.

"Morning dad.." I smiled the next morning, holding back the laughter.

"Morning kiddo, anyone wants a beer?!" He joked, a comedic thing he is.

Although comedy won't save you from the disco. Disco always wins.

"Okay, what the actual fuck-" He yelled, looking at the flashing colours his arm was turning.

After the song ended, playing Staying alive by the way, Bucky was concerned as fuck. He didn't understand that his voice triggered it, or that he constantly asks who wants a beer at like 11 am.

Someone just informed me that it was actually 2 pm and I had just woken up. Sorry, that's just my morning, stop being a bitch about it.

"That was weird, weird as fuck. I'm just gonna get some coffee.." He shrugged.

We had to wait a bit, since the whole incident had made him go quiet. But I didn't care, he couldn't stop the disco.

"Alright bitches, let's blow this popsicle stand!" He yelled out as we went to leave the house, giving us some more disco.

After we saw him get even more pissed off with the flashing lights and shit, he yelled at us for being so immature about a very serious problem.

"We didn't have problems like this in the '40s!" He cried out, setting it off again, "This mother fucker!"

That only reset the song, he said that a lot.

Eventually, he figured out that the things he would say were triggering the arm to party. Although he didn't know how, he kept asking that part.

The next day, I even caught him on the phone to Shuri.

"I'll pay you 100 bucks to tell me who put you up to this.." He said into the phone.

Boy should have known it was the hottest person in the tower.

"Bitch, I am a princess. I don't need your cash. Plus, I don't feel like telling you, it's more fun this way.." She said through the speaker.

A queen, a fucking queen.

Now everything fell apart when Bucky found his real arm, Sam didn't hide it well enough. He sort of already knew I was involved, then since I was involved he knew Wanda was. When he found out Sams part in it all, he was heard blasting 'Traitor' by Olivia Rodrigo.

I'm sorry father, but I did what I needed to do. Not for my country, but for my own benefit and entertainment.

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