0128| Roadies Re-United

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I would consider this as another time I was consensually kidnapped.

"Get up, get Wanda and get your RV keys.." Sam said as I attempted to eat my breakfast.

"What? Why?!" I groaned, I mean this toast was good.

"Don't ask questions, just do it.."

I mean the first two steps were easy, all I had to do was stand up and track down my Wanda. The thrid step was a lot more difficult, you know, since the RV was sort of hidden from me.

I mean after bestie Jill returned it in mint condition, Tony snatched it into hiding. He gave me the keys just to mess with me, like that part was mean, you can look but you can't touch. But I got the key anyway.

"Do you have your emergency road trip bag packed, both of you?" Bucky asked while taking the keys off of me.

"Always, why?" Wanda questioned.

"Because were going on another state tour and this time, Sam and I are going! I'm making you go know so i'm included!" Bucky sorta yelled.

"Fair enough.."

Upon grabbing our road trip kits, we headed outside to see Loki and Sam, hanging out the window of the RV and waving us aboard.

"How the hell did you get the 'SS Thick Bitch' back?!" I laughed.

"Tony told us where it was beginning hidden, so I went and grabbed it for our trip.." Bucky smiled, taking our bags and loading them aboard.

One issue we had was the tracking device, but thanks to my full JARVIS access, we could find that mother fucker and step on it.

Then we set out, deciding on visiting our same old route from the infamous road trip that started it all.

I mean we know I love Chicago, we do it in the name of our queen ms Trina Vega. So Chicago was everything to everyone onboard. I mean it was all for the icon, the Chicago icon.

"Wait wait wait..." I said as I opened the RV cabinet while on the road, "TRAVEL SCRABBLE!"

Bestie Jill must of left it with us after she returned the RV. This was a great idea.

So maybe Scrabble wasn't a great idea, you know since 'prefixes' isn't a word in the Scrabble dictionary.

"ITS A FUCKING WORD!" Bucky screamed.


Then in a fit of frustration, Bucky chucked the board out the window onto the open road. I guess we were done playing.

When we reached Iowa it was late. Loki said that they would take the wheel for a while, waking us up when we arrived. Although the bitch decided to go the wrong fucking way.

We were so tired that we all just passed out for hours, I mean I awoke to the yelling.


"Well it was all in good fun.." Loki tried to explain.

In truth, that asshole had indeed crossed a boarder and left us in, drumroll please, Winnipeg. For all of you failing geography, like myself , we were in Canada.

"Wait, Canada?! How did you get four unconscious people out of the country?!" I said, barely even being able to wake up.

"Well, you packed your passports so I just showed them.." Loki shrugged.

"So, then I guess we're in Canada.." I said, giving up on even trying with them.

I mean, I don't know much about Canada. The people were chill, the food was good. I mean it was all good until I got a call.

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