04| Agent Carter

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Sharon Carter is a bitch. It was probably not a nice thing to say about someone but if you met her, you would say this same thing. She always seemed to have some sort of issue with me and whenever she would say something to me, I wouldn't hesitate to to clap back at her.

"What's your issue Sharon?"

"You! You're always coming for me for no good reason, you're a bitch and an asshole!"

"Oh please you Walmart Peggy Carter!"

Peter burst out laughing and couldn't contain himself.

"Oh stop laughing child, I don't know why you think she's funny!"

"Oh don't come for Peter, you crusty washed out hag!"

"I'm getting Steve!"

"Oh go cry to the Captain, piss your bitch ass off!"

She left the room and Peter was on the ground laughing. I knew Steve was gonna come for me so I decided that I should go to Tony. I was Tonys favourite, if I do say so myself, so he would back me up.

"Tony... I like your shirt.."

"Oh what did you do now."

"I went after Sharon again.."

"Of course you did.."

"I called her a bitch, multiple times. Then I called her a um.. 'crusty washed out hag'"


"What she started it!"

"What do you need me for?"

"Steve is gonna yell at me and I would like you to um.. defend me?"

"Oh you're gonna cause another Civil war kid!"

"I know.."

I sat around, helping Tony out with his suit upgrades. We were talking about random things and Tony was teaching me some basic things. Steve ran in and began to yell at me.

"What did you do to Sharon!?"

"I put that bitch back in her box, that's what I did"

"You can't say such horrible things to her, it's not fair"

"That bitch is always coming for me and you do nothing!"

"Thats true Steve, Sharon is always being rude to her" Tony said, backing me up like a true friend.

"Y/N always goes too far!"

"No Stevie, I pop off and leave them speechless, theres a big difference. Now I'm heading out, see you both  later on and please.. pick your jaws up off of the ground"

I left feeling oddly proud of myself. I knew I had to fill Peter in on what was going on and he was equally as proud of me. Another day, another win for team Y/N.

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