051| Ikea

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We shouldn't be allowed go to Ikea.

Correction, after our last visit, we aren't allowed in Ikea and this is that story. Shit I sound like one of those BuzzFeed bitches, did I finally make it?

"Tony, you didn't have to come.."

I mean you sort of did since your are basically the groups sugar daddy and well, someone had to baby sit us and Scott wasn't good at that, he was one of us.

"No I did, someone needs to make sure Thor is in check.."

That was true, the HIMBO did have a thing for wandering off and causing trouble.

"So Y/N, you need a new bed frame since you and Loki broke it.."

We weren't fucking, I'm way out of his league, we were wrestling and using powers, then the bed sliced it half.

"You need someone to help you take the new bed for a test run?"

"I think I'll be good, Maximoff" I smiled back.

Oh you thought that that was Pietro, the bitch was at home and he had thought his sister his move and I wasn't complaining. It was very enjoyable.

There were a few people on the trip. Tony, the man with the money, Peter, the man with nothing else to do, Scottie, the man with a kid who needed stuff, Thor, the man who enjoys Swedish meatballs and Wanda, the women who needed to test out my bed apparently.

"So, what are we-"

"We lost Thor.."

It literally took 5 minutes and the HIMBO was off in the wild, like Tony you came out here to stop this exact thing.

"Some needs to find find him before-"

"Can the owner of a 6,6 blonde god please come to the cafeteria, now please!"

The women had announced to the entire store and she seemed very distressed. We ran to the cafeteria to see the god, very pissed.

"I am a god and as a god, you give me more meatballs-"

He turned to see us all just standing here, like hella confused.

"They won't give me more meatballs!" He said, slamming his fists on the table,

"You need to leave the store, permanently.." The Ikea lady said.

"Wait like, he's banned?" Tony asked.

"You all are!"

"Bitch the fuck, I actually didn't do anything this time!"

"True, for once Y/N was on her best behaviour!" Wanda yelled back.

"Your an associate, now please exit the store!"

Yeah no we were banned from that Ikea because of a fucking HIMBO and his thing for meatballs. I still don't have a fucking bed.

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