062| Coma Vibes

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Hey, remember that time I was in a coma? No? Okay let me catch you up on another one off my near death experience.

"You good Y/N?"

Radio silence, pretty ironic since I don't use radios, I'm a Spotify type of gal.

You're probably wondering why for once I wasn't talking. It was most likely due to the bullet that had got through my stomach, I mean a bullet could probably stop me. Like you would think my all powerful ass should be able to avoid this shit.

"Medical, now! Your gonna be okay kid, I'm gonna get you to Banner!"


Holy shit I know, I called the rich guy dad. Desperate times, I literally thought I was a dead bitch for like a hot minute. But we all know, this bitch is genuinely to hot to be thrown in some musty casket and dropped in the ground.

Banner did his thing but I ended up not actually doing to great, probably the fact that I was thrown into a coma. I mean coma was not a good look on me, if I'm honest.

A few days had passed and I was still not awake. Loki and Tony were in panic mode, Steve was like big bro concerned, Peter hadn't go to school and Wanda hadn't left my room.

"Whats Loki doing?"

Loki was blasting music, thinking that there was most definitely a song out there that could wake me up.

"Oh god, if Harry Styles doesn't wake her, what the hell will!"

Yeah Loki was losing hope, I wasn't in tip top shape. 

Wanda had barley left my room, she just sat in the same spot in complete silence, not speaking to anyone. Pietro was the one who had to make sure she was showing, eating and sleeping. She just sat there, holding my hand in utter silence.

"Bruce its been a week.." Tony said, talking to bruce in privacy.

"I know I'm trying as hard as I-"

"No, thats my kid! She does crazy shit and almost dies, but the key word there is almost!"

"Tony, you need to calm down she-"

"Thats my kid, she isn't going to die!"

God, fan behaviour much?

A week and four days later, there were changes, good changes. I was vibing around, doin my little dancie dance.

"She's moving!" Wanda yelled, the first words she could muster in forever.

I opened my eyes, seeing all my hoe's in tears and could only think of one thing to say.

"I'm looking pretty good for a dead bitch.."

Without words, Wanda grabbed me and started to cry whilst clinging on to me.

"Never do that again.." She said, not wanting to let me go.

"Okay love, okay-"

She let go and I was almost tackled by Tony hugging me as well.

"Dude, you good?"

"You called me dad and almost died, no I am not okay!"

"Shit, I did that?"

"You can't take it back.."

Lovely moment, before it was interrupted by the dick.

"Move bitch!" Loki said, pushing Tony away. "Attention whore!" He said, hugging me.

"Dumb bitch!"

So, I guess I live another day. For I mean, I'll probably die soon enough. I am very careless with my life so, see you next time.

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