0126| When the Party's Over

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Hungover Avengers aren't nice Avengers.

They mean, real mean.

Especially when the night before you caught them on camera doing dumb things whilst intoxicated, that they didn't figure out until now.

"Why am I getting so many links to your twitter account?" Bucky said, running his eyes as he entered the kitchen.

"Okay, I gotta go go, see you never-" I said, attempting to leave the room but being hot by Sam, who sat me down at the table.

It took Bucky a moment to pull up the evidence, mainly because he was shit at technology. Oh but when he did.

"Is that-" Steve said, grasping his mouth

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"Is that-" Steve said, grasping his mouth.

"It can't be.." Bucky said, looking to the video.

It consisted of Tony, Steve, Bucky, Sam and Thor preforming the single ladies dance. Then they looked to me, probably since I was the only to release it.

"You are in serious trouble!" Tony yelled, guess I bruised the mother fuckers huge ass ego.

"Okay so before you decide on punishment, I should probably come completely clean to you all.." I said, "Use YouTube and look up 'Drunk Avengers Compilation'.."

In horror and curiosity, they found an edited together video of all these songs they would sing, places they would jump off, wacky phrases they produced.

"So you recorded these, things.." Sam said in pure regret.

"I prefer you all when your drunk, these aren't even the worst of them.." I smiled, unleashing the secret.

"Excuse me-" Nat interrupted, "Why did Bucky send me a link of me singing 'Venom'?" She asked, leaning in the doorway.

"You looked great, I'm just gonna add.." Steve inputted.

"Thanks Steve, nothing new for me.." She smiled.

"Y/N posted videos of use when we were really drunk, singing and doing dumb shit.." Sam explained.

"Oh, I've seen some of them. Did you know Bruce can sing 'Love Story' by Taylor Swift to perfection?" She laughed.

"That was meant to be a memory that would not be remembered, due to the amounts of liquor we all consumed.." Bruce yelled from the next room.

"Well back to the issue at hand, how many more videos are there?" Steve said, turning everyone's attention to me who was sat at the head of the table, like the fucking queen I am.

"Well, how many times have we had party's have we had since I got here a few years ago?" I asked, standing up to prepare my breakfast.

"Like, hundreds?" Steve said, looking to Tony.

"What? I like a good party?" Tony said in defense.

"Well anytime you do something stupid, I take a video and keep it incase I ever need to get out of training or other shit.." I said, mixing my pancake batter.

"Can we see them?" Bucky asked.

"Alright.." I said, "But my Wanda needs her breakfast so let me do that first.."

After my Wanda was fed her pancakes, I was able to sit down and show them all the videos. Bucky and Sam hitting on each other before they were even together, Steve comparing lemons and oranges.

Nat being what is similar to Amy from Brooklyn 99. Three drink Nat was very flirty and when Steve drinks he acts like a complete idiot. Usually when he leaves for what drunk Tony calls 'The hot old time'.

There was video evidence of Tony describing how he gave up on a career in baseball to follow in his father's footsteps. Then I had to remind him that he has never played baseball.

They were in pure shock as to how weird they were acting when drunk, they even swore against ever getting so drunk ever again.

That beginning said, they all got completely wasted the night afterwards.

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