0107| Simply Coffee

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When I went into battle against some Mother Gothel wannabe, I promised the incubators coffee if they fought with me.

Sadly, the day of caffeine consumption with them had come, and I was nervous for some reason.

"Your going to be okay, you will be fine and you look hot.." Wanda said as she fixed my hair, she loved to play with my hair so I let her do it sometimes, and do me all the time.

"Can you please come!" I said, in a plea of desperation.

"I think this is something you have to tackle alone, I love you and want to go with you, I just think you have to do this by yourself.." She said, leaning over to kiss my forehead.

"I love you too.." I said, grabbing her hand.

Wanda brought me downstairs to see my actual parents before leaving to see the dudes that made a mistake and had me. I could tell Nat was nervous and Steve was trying to comfort her, Tony was trying to act like he was okay but we all knew he wasn't. Bucky was borderline hyperventilating at the thought that I might leave them.

"I am not going anywhere, I'll be home and we can have nachos, okay?" I said, hugging the tin man who was now sobbing. I felt real bad.

"Don't leave your old man, okay?" Steve said, hugging me tight.

"You might decompose while I'm out, don't do that, okay?" I said as I pulled away.

I honestly haven't seen Nat so nervous before, it was actually gonna make me cry.

"I'm gonna be okay! You're my mum, not Thalia!" I said, trying to comfort her, I think I did better than Steve.

"Just, just come home.." Tony said, holding his hand out for a shake, which I ignored and instead opted for a hug.

I said my good byes to my love and headed on the walk to the meeting, which I was late for due to all the cry babies in the tower. This was simply coffee.

When I arrived, they were already sat at a table next to the window, they were sat on one side and there was an open seat on the other for me. I walked over, putting my bag down and looking to them.

"Hi.." They nervously said at the same time.

"Hello.." I said, placing my hands on my legs under the table. It was I habit I had when things were awkward.

"So um.. coffee?" Gabriel asked, looking to me.

"Sure, I can go for some coffee.."

He went and got it, while I made polite conversation with Thalia. Once he returned, conversation began to flow.

"You mentioned your girlfriend, Wanda?" Thalia said, probably the right question t ask to get things moving.

"She's amazing, wow like beyond words. She's from Sokovia, a twin. She had this magic she can do and she looks great using it. We have been inseparable ever since we got together. Would you like to see a picture?" I asked, knowing I had a lot of them in storage.

They nodded with a smile and I opened my phone to find one of the two of us.

"Wow, she's very pretty.." Gabriel smile, looking to the phone I had handed him.

"You can swipe, I think there's some more.." I said, looking to my phone that Thalia had in her hand.

They were smiling as they looked through some photos, occasionally asking me the story behind the picture. Their smiles were however wiped away once they saw a picture of Tony, Steve, Nat, Bucky and I. It was a silly picture, I think they were all a bit tipsy.

"Thats who took me in, they raised me.." I said, looking to the group photo taken at Christmas.

"When did they take you in?" Gabriel asked.

"I was 13, I ran from a foster home and got a job at a diner waitressing, they felt bad for me and let me stick around, I still work there to this day. I was sleeping in the kitchen because there was nowhere else for me to go and a regular of mine figured it out. She ran a shitty apartment complex a few blocks away and offered me a place. When I was 14, the Avengers took me in.." I said, with a soft smile.

"Well, at least you have someone.." Thalia said, trying to make light of the situation.

"You can meet them, if you want? They were excited to meet you, you can meet Wanda too.." I said, sipping my coffee.

"Well," They said looking to each other, "Sure, we would love to meet them"

We finished our drinks and began to walk to the tower. I arrived in the lobby, saying hello to the receptionist and took the elevator up to the common room. The elevator was just filled with nerves, I had texted Tony that we were coming so he knew before hand. 

I walked into the living room, not realise how many people were there until we arrive, it was basically everyone.

"Y/N!" Wanda called, running over to kiss me hello.

"Maximoff, this is Gabriel and Thalia Y/L/N.." I said, introducing her to them.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N is amazing so thank you for making her.." Wanda said, firmly shaking each of their hands. 

My parents were sort of bunched together, cowering behind me. They were waiting for me to say hey.

"Hey dudes.." I said, turning to them with big hugs, "These are the people who gave birth to me.." I said, using some weird ass jazz hands.

Both sides studied each other for a minute, before initiating human contact.

"Well I'm Tony, I got Y/N here. Thats Steve, he's a bit of a dick, Buck, he's alright, and Nat, the scariest person I know.."

"Dad, you gonna cool it on the intros.." I said, not realising what I had done.

Gabriel looked hurt that term 'dad' was being used on someone else, not him. I mean I understand, but he chose to leave the planet, along with Thalia. Things happen and in this case, I simply grew up and they were too late.

I invited them to stay for dinner, Bucky and I would be making Nachos. I do however believe that the incident of calling Tony dad in front of them was the reason they chose not to stay.

If I'm honest, it hit me harder than I expected. But I sucked it up, because when I look around and see what them leaving me got me, I'm pretty fucking lucky.

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