038| Power Trip (1)

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"A really cold glass of water"

"A die hard One Direction Stan"

"A Queen song, even on low blast"

"A single salt and vinegar chip-"

"What are you both doing?!"

It is fair that an outsider would have no idea what we were talking about, Loki and my conversations can get quite weird.

"We are listing things that could kill Prince Phillip instantly, why what's up?"

"Why do I even bother with you both anymore.."

Yeah Tony, why do you even bother?

"Anyways, you have to come for a meeting, Senator Ross is here.."

I hated that crusty white man, he always seemed to like me too much. I mean I was insanely hot and powerful so I can see the idea of being totally in love with me, but like I said, he is a crusty white man.


I held out my hand for a quick shack, but was quickly pulled in for a hug where I felt some sort of pinch on my arm.

"Um, okay.." 

That was behold uncomfy.

"I have called you here to discuss your powers, like to get a general history on you.."

"I've been here for a long time, why now do you want a history?"

"We just do, so question one-"

"Sorry why are you, a senator, doing this?"

"To make sure it gets done correctly, question one, we're you born with these powers?"

"I really don't have to answer that"

He was sweating, nervous. The whole thing didn't make sense to me, why was it Ross who had to do this, and why now?

"You have to-"

"Well this has been fun Senator, but I've got places to go and people to see, I am in high demand as you can most likely tell.."

I left the room, still unsure of what that was all about. I felt an itch on my arm and when I went to scratch, I felt little drops of blood.

"What the fuck.."

I decided to head to Tony and Steve, they are smart and responsible, they should know what's up.

"Dudes I think the senator took my blood.."

"Your insane!"

Okay not the response I was looking for.

"He was asking me weird questions about my powers and-"

"Your paranoid, go brainstorm how to kill the prince with Loki again." Tony suggested.

"What the hell does-"

"You really don't wanna know this one.."

Tony had the right dude but the wrong idea, so I went to fine Loki.

"Hey greasy, you're like ancient, right?"


"How do you know if a crusty white guy drew you blood?"

"Its quite simple, they go for the arm and you can feel a little pinch, there maybe be a little blood afterwards. Why do you ask?"

"Because I believe that a crusty white man drew my blood and he's a powerful guy"

"I'm gonna need more than that, all crusty white men are powerful.."

After explaining the situation, Loki decided that I was right, this wasn't normal and we should bring it forward to the rest of the team. I decided to gather the super bro's and explained everything to them as well, which gave me a completely surprising reaction.

"Senator Ross? Not a chance, he's a great guy!" Sam laughed.

"Your delusional!" Nat chuckled.

"Wait until Bucky and Wanda hear this, their gonna lose it!"

So great, the powerful hero's with cool magic and lots of cash, thought I was crazy. I walked out, closely followed by Loki.

"What now, you have no plan!?"

"I do, were gonna take down a senator, with or without the help of everyone else.."

Taking down a government leader, with no plan and I'm not even sure if he has done anything wrong what so ever, just your average Thursday.

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