084| Parent Teacher Conference

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"Do all four of you need to be here?"

"Yes.." They said unitedly.

If only this bitch knew what I struggle it was the bring the number down to four, like bestie stop talking, you're not helping.

The conference had been scheduled for my parents to come and speak with my principal regarding my 'bad behaviour' and everyone wanted in. Eventually, we got it down to just Tony, Steve, Bucky and Nat to be in attendance. This was gonna be great.

"So Y/N is showing some very violent behaviour towards other students, more pacifically a boy named Flash-"

"I told her if he laid a finger on her, she could break what ever bone she wanted!" Nat said, standing at the back of the room.

"Nat we can't-" Steve attempt to say.

"I second that.." Bucky said, raising his hand.

"Me too.." Tony replied.

"I do as well, violence is always the answer" I responded.

"I'm confused, I thought Y/N's guardian-"

"Father-" Tony interrupted.

"-father, was Mr. Stark?" My principal asked.

"It's complicated.."

"Were all her parents, don't come for us" Bucky said, I swear that man was about to throw hands.

"Tony's my dad dad, Steve keeps me out of trouble and Bucky gets me into trouble. Nat's my favourite-"

"HOLD UP" Bucky yelled, hopping out of his seat.

"THATS UNFAIR!" Steve yelled.

"You pissed off to the substitute Carter and that opened a can of other worm holes, such as my fucking murder!" I yelled back.


"I think were a bit off topic here-"

"Shut the fuck up Brian!" I yelled at the principal who was trying to interrupt a very important conversation. "You took my Wanda off of me!" I yelled, turning to Tony.

"That is not true!" He yelled.

"You took her away from me! You said and I fucking quote, 'you spend too long together and now you need a break', which wasn't fair!"

"Because you spend every waking second with her! You literally share a shower with her!" He yelled back.

"Um, please can we-"

"Brian, I will kill you!" I yelled again.

"Y/N you basically have separation anxiety to Wanda!" Steve yelled.

"I think it's adorable.." Nat laughed.

"Thats why she's the favourite!" I yelled again.

"I'm offended, not gonna lie.." Bucky said.

"Your a close second.." I said, attempting to provide some sort of comfort.

"Okay, can we please get back to this!" Principal Brian dude said.

We re-directed ourselves to the very concerned and confused principal who had to watch all of that insanity, I guess we actually had to not be the main characters for just a second, god some people. 

"What will you be doing about this behaviour?"  He asked.

"Oh absolutely nothing.." They all said at once.

"She can't harm students!" He yelled.

"If they lay a hand on her, she is free to break it.." Nat said, helping me off the chair, "Come on boys, we have things to do!"

I mean when someone like Nat speaks, you do what she said. Especially her simp of a boyfriend Steve, literally the golden retriever in that relationship.

"WANDA!" I yelled, running around the tower.

"Y/N, DARLING WHERE ARE YOU?!" She yelled.

"I'm telling you, its adorable and middle concerning.." Nat said, watching us holding onto each other for dear life.

"Why didn't you tell her that when we were talking!" Tony yelled, knowing he was third on my parental list.

"Because I'm the favourite.." She giggled before walking away.

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