096| Crash Landings

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Maybe if I wasn't grounded so bad, things would be different.

"An alien space ship crashed! I wanna see it!"

Thats right my friend, a spaceship had crashed and I wanted to go see it. Tony had not lifted my grounding so I was taken off of all missions. I didn't mind too much because I'm lazy as fuck, but when the ship was confirmed not to be the guardians, I wanted to know.

"You did the crime, you do the time.." Tony said, putting his things on the jet.

"But it's space peoples!" I yelled.

"You ran off to another continent and faked being in this country! You're not grounded until I say so!"

Crusty Tony thought he could best me. Did bestie forget I could teleport? So once Steve, Tony, Bucky, Nat and Bruce were up in the sky, I teleported aboard.

"So I know what your gonna say and-"

"Turn the plane around!" Steve yelled once he saw me.

"I think your being a bit irrational because-"

"Do you know how to take orders!?" Tony yelled, putting his plane on auto pilot, "We can't turn around, we need to approach as an emergency response team! So the stowaway has to come!" He yelled.

"Do me a favour and sit next to Bucky, he's not nice when he's pissed off!" Steve yelled before walking away.

I think they overreacted just a bit, I mean if my punishment hadn't of been this bad I probably would not of pulled a stunt like this.

We arrived in Louisiana to see a big space craft crashed on the middle of the street. Bruce went in to have a look around, maybe to try determine the cause of the crash and if there were any survivors. I just wanted to see some aliens.

"I think there were people on board, they must have run off because I can't find any bodies.." Bruce said, emerging from the rubble.

"So we have aliens on the loose, great.." Steve said.

"So how do we-"

What Tony was going to ask was how do we track them, but he was interrupted by the floating mysterious lady in a black cloak, bestie was just doing her own creepy ass thing. I mean good for her.

"Look I'm really dumb, but I don't think we know who she is.." I said, point to her.

The group moved closer to the floating bitch, who hadn't said a word. Bucky placed his two hands on my shoulders, pulling me beside him as to protect me, I mean bitch I'm the most powerful one here I should be protecting you.

"I am Steve Rogers, did you come from that ship?" He asked, pointing to what used to be a ship.

"No.." The women said, nice of you to contribute.

"Well then want to explain why you're floating in front of us?" Tony asked.

"I come for one reason, I am looking for Y/N L/N.." She said, pointing her finger to me.

"Actually its Y/N Stark Rogers Barnes Romanoff, no biggie, common mistake-" I said, correcting the stranger.

"Your not getting my kid.." Bucky yelled.

"Hand her over, I can give her answers to questions she has always wanted answers.." The bitch said.

"So you can tell me what came first, the chicken or the egg-"

"Y/N this is no time to joke!" Steve turned and yelled. I mean she said she has answers, "Can we sleep on it?"

"Hand her to me and I shall reveal who emerged from the ship, I'll even provide a location.." The lady said.

"One second.." Steve said, turning to everyone else for a huddled debate.

"We are not handing out daughter over to this lady.." Bucky whispered to the team.

"I think I should go.." I said.

"We don't even know the women name!" Steve sort of whisper yelled.

"Hey lady!" I yelled, lifting my head from the group huddle, "Whats your name?!"

"I am Master Davina Creed.." She said.

"Happy now, you have her name, problem solved!" I said, ducking back into the team.

"No!" They all said at once.

For some reason I felt a need to go. There was this were vibe I was getting off of Davina, the same feeling I had when used my powers. She said she had answers, lately I've been feeling the need for some of those.

"Is this because you're grounded?! You're gonna run off to who knows we're out of spit!" Tony whisper yelled.

"Glad you think I'm that petty, but no. Number one, she wasn't in that spaceship meaning space people are on the loose and she has information. Two, if she didn't come from that ship that means she's been here already and we had no idea about it. C, I'm getting a vibe!" I yelled.

"It does not matter what you say, the girl will come with me.." Davina called, interrupting a very important discussion.

"Well then your gonna have to go through us.." Steve said, fixing his shield.

A bit of a dumb move old man, she fucking teleported and snatched me. When it happened, she had knocked me out and so I had no idea as to what was going on, all I knew that this was the fucking third time I had been kidnapped.

Maybe I wouldn't have snuck aboard the jet if my grounding had been lifted, I guess we shall never know. I mean I've told you the beginning on this part in my story, but will I make it to the end?

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