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Look I actually don't know if they are the Romanoffs, the Belovas, the Vostokoffs or the Shostakovs.

All I knew was that they were Nat's family, she thought it was about time we were all introduced.

"Alright, my family is coming to stay for a bit, meaning they are going to be introduced to little miss mayhem.." Nat said to Steve and Tony, as they both turned to me.

"I think I'll be chill, meeting the grandparents and all that jazz.." I shrugged.

"If you call them that, I feel like you will be slapped.." Nat aggressively laughed, I didn't know this was a super serious thing.

She made me wait at the entrance of the tower for the black car to pull up, three people stepping out of it.

They all approached us, hugging Nat and saying hello, then the focus turned to me.

"Natasha I thought she was a grown-up, that's a child.." Yelena pointed out, a bit rude I have to say.

"This child could still beat the shit out of you.." I mocked back.

"This child is now my favourite thing about you Natasha.." Yelena smiled.

Oh so this was cool aunt Yelena, I could get behind that.

"My name is Alexei, well I'm also the infamous Red Guardian.." The rather large man said, pushing forward from the back and flexing to me.

"I'm Y/N, also know we the infamous Madam Mayhem.." I said, copying his weird arm flex.

"Mayhem? So you like to cause trouble, huh?" He followed up.

"My mother would say that's correct.." I smiled, looking to Nat who seemed very happy.

"I'm Melina-"

"Nat told me to call you grandmother, I'm just clarifying that-" I announced.

"Y/N I'm gonna kill you, I did not tell her to do that.." Nat defended herself.

"It's alright, It's fine.." Melina spoke, smiling at me.

"You know, Steve is gonna want to meet you all-"

"Do you mean Steve Rogers, my nemesis Captain America?!" Alexei alarmingly spoke.

"He's my dad, Nat's fucking him on the side though.." I said, receiving a slight slap on my arm because their relationship was apparently a secret now.

"You are screwing my rival?!" Alexei said in a fit of a rage, "You and my rival made this thing!" He yelled again.

"To clarify, this thing is adopted and has like 4 parents. So, I'm too magical to be a product of the ice-pop.." I mocked.

Alexei let out a big belly laugh, something that almost scared me when it was let out.

"We should keep this one, I like this one!" He yelled out, wrapping his massive arms around me and following Nat inside.

We all made it upstairs, meeting some of the team and got to know the new people who were basically related to me. Alexei kept asking for a tattoo gun to tattoo my name on his arm, although we did just meet like 5 minutes ago, I thought it was sweet.

I stepped away to get a drink from the nearest kitchen, shutting the door to reveal Yelena just chilling there.

"Hello.." She said, probably unaware that she was epic at jump scares.

"Um, hello back at you.." I awkwardly spoke.

"So I was wondering, what's your role here? What do you do?" She asked.

"I control all the elements and keep everyone in their place.." I explained.

"So your, the boss?"

Now until she had brought this up, I would have considered Captain no fun to be the boss. Now I think we just told him that because he's massively insecure about his lack of power, loser.

"So how old are you? Natasha talks about you as if you are already a grown person.." She asked.

"I'm 17, I'll be 18 soon though.."

"Ah, so am I the AILF?" She bluntly asked.

"The what?" I said in pure shock, I mean I knew what she meant but it was still shocking.

"You know, the hot aunt. The one all your friends want to sleep with.." She shrugged.

"You're literally my only aunt so-"

Now my talk about hot aunt status was interrupted by the sound of yelling in the next room. When I burst in, I saw a very scared Steven with the pizza, an angry grandfather, an embarrassed grandmother and a very amused Nat.

"You know me, Captain Rogers, I am the Red Guardian, the Russian super-soldier!" Alexei cried out.

"Um, I am Steve Rogers-"

"I know who you are. You're my enemy. Then I come here to meet my grandchild and find out you sleeping with my Natasha!" He roared.

"Anyone else feels like Alexei is gonna beat the shit out of Steve?" I asked those not afraid for their life or currently attempting murder.

"Y/N, please save your father.." Nat spoke in disappointment.

I had to step in the middle of the two, remove the fold from the situation, cause I was hungry and that looks so good.

"Okay, Tony just got these floors cleaned and K doesn't want to hear him bitching and moaning about Steves blood being all over them. So let's stop the fighting and murder before I throw one of you out the window and/or light you on fire!" I explained, giving Steve a chance to break free.

"You can really do that, set me a flame?" Alexei whispered to me in what sounded like a scared tone.

"Like a candle.." I smiled back, showing him the flame I could create with my bare hands.

All and all, Natasha's family is a great bunch. Her dad is crazy and allowed me to tattoo my name on his arm, her mom is very sweet and made sure we would stay in contact and her sister is well, very amazing.

Cool auntie Yelena, no choice but to stan.

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