0134| My Story

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They really wanted to get to know me, huh.

I was practically cornered of in the back chair of the meeting room, my parents surrounding me and waiting for me to speak.

Except I didn't really want to.

"So you all want me to relive my trauma so you can get more information on me?" I asked.

Big nods were produced from across the table.

"Fuck no, I have to uh, walk my goldfish.." I stammered before leaping out of the chair and bolting for that door.

My excellent attempts to make a great escape were blocked by a goodie two shoes that loves spangles and a gay robot with a staring problem. Both of who dragged me back into my chair. Stupid super soldiers.

"I don't stan this behaviour from the two of you.." I said, glaring at them as the took their seats again.

"Are you gonna tell us why you were some rebel kid?" Tony asked.

"Because I have a privilege to something called privacy, you tin can looking ass bitch.." I argued back, crossing my arms to him.

"You don't have to tell us, I was just dragged in here by my boyfriend.." Nat said, glaring at Steve who mouthed a 'sorry' at her.

"I mean who does that judge bitch think she is? If I needed therapy, I would steal Tonys credit card again-"

"The fuck do you mean again?!" He yelled.

"Bitch you don't buy that much coffee! Thats me! Idiot.." I yelled back.

"I don't look at my bank statements, I have a lot of money.." He defended.

"No shit sherlock.." I muttered back.

"Can we stay on topic?" Steve interrupted, "Was what she said true?" He asked.

"Lil bit.." I quietly said.

"You assaulted someone?" Steve said in total disbelief.

"Is it that unbelievable, spangles?" I responded.

"Okay, you got me there.." He laughed back.

"Wanna explain it?" Bucky asked.

"Okay, I was like 12, hated life a bit. I was in this foster home and the other kids were assholes. So maybe I punched him in the face with a bit of a flame, not the worst thing I've done.." I said as though it was nothing.

"Its not nothing kid, you were charged.." Bucky seriously spoke.

"Well the charges were dropped, I'm fine.." I shrugged.

"You still were in court before?!" The man who is literally sponsored by America.

"So? I don't give two shits.." I laughed back.

"Y/N, you don't have to talk about this if you don't have to.." Nat interrupted.

"Nah, I'll give them the tea. I started running away when I was like, six. I hated life and didn't care who I offended in the process. Ever wonder why I'm have a don't care attitude?" I asked.

"I just thought you hit your head, like really hard.." Bucky mumbled.

"I did the petty crimes as Americas asshole would describe. I had like one foster mother who was nice when she had some tequila. She was the lady that thought me to play guitar.." I finished.

"So you're a criminal?" Steve asked.

"No I'm a bad bitch who did what she had to do to survive, get your facts straight.." I snapped back to him.

"Why didn't I figure this out, when I was adopting you?" Tony asked.

"Because, thats classified.." I smiled.

"Page right out of my book.." Nat mumbled.

"So, need me for any more trauma reliving or can I go about my day?"I asked, already headed for that door.

"Just one more thing.." Bucky asked before I left, "Are you alright?"

"Probably, but I'll use some humorous comments and we can get over it.." I said before leaving to find my Wanda.

Because let's be real, nobody is really okay deep down. But let's be real, eventually I'll be thrown into another situation and I'll push on through. Stay slutty my friends.

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