0151| Reception

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Hey dudes, so down the line when the Beatles are mentioned K would recommend turning on 'here comes the sun', the SYML version. You know, for the full effect.

The reception is always better than the wedding service.

Now sure, the magic happens at the actual wedding part. But the MAGIC happens at the reception.

You know, drunkenness.

So when everyone loaded into the reception, the photographer informed me that the introduction was about to occur. Meaning that fun magic was about to begin.

"Introducing for the first time, Mr and Mr, Wilson-Barnes!" The band called out as the doors opened out to reveal the happy couple.

I could only presume this was Bucky's worst nightmare, all the people staring and cheering. Sam, on the other hand, was loving the spotlight. He was the moment and he wanted everyone in that room to know that.

As they sat down, dinner was served and I was sat at that main long table next to Bucky. Sam wanted that very classy salmon and chicken vide, that entire 'I'm so smart and sophisticated type thing'.

I mean I later yelled about how the vegetarians and vegans must feel, dumb bitch.

After the food, pretty amazing food I should add, was finished, it was my turn to toast the happy couple. I was going first, thanks for that added pressure bitches.

"Well, hello everyone.." I said, standing up with the mic. "Wow, a lot of people genuinely like these two. Or you don't and you just want free food.."

Well, at least they liked my jokes.

"Well, I met my dad here at age 14. No no, I'm not a biological Barnes but it doesn't mean he isn't my dad. So when he asked me to be his best bitch, I simply couldn't refuse. I could tell you so many stories about my dad, but I really do only have one in mind. The story of how he told Sam he was in love with him.."

Now I had never told anyone this, including Sam. I mean well obviously my Wanda knew it because it was too funny not to tell anyone, but I was saving it for their inevitable wedding.

"Bucky and I aren't used to sleeping alone, so, when Sam and my Wanda were sent on a mission as part of a bigger group, we decided to bunk together. At about 3 am, Bucky started to complain about how much he missed Sam, I joked and said, "bitch your whipped more than whipped cream, have you told him you love him yet?"-"

Thanks again crowd, your applause is doing wonders for my ego.

"Of course he freaked out, spent an hour telling me that it wasn't true, he wasn't madly in love. Even though he and I both knew he was. When we finally finished his denial, he went through acceptance, where he knew he had to tell Sam the truth. So at 4 in the morning, he facetimed Sam, who surprisingly answered. After he said the 'L' word, Sam responded with "No Homo" and hung up.." I continued, getting laughs across the room.

Obviously, Sam did not remember that part story, for who knows what reason, but everyone else enjoyed it.

"When finally the team got home, Sam was in the dog house with Bucky, it didn't matter how many "bitch shut the fuck up, I love you too, let me into bed!" he would say, it took a good week for any form of forgiveness to be made. So, Sam, I've watched how much you've grown too well, love, Bucky and all I can really say is, he's your problem now. To Sam and Bucky!" I said raising my glass.

I mean how was anyone gonna top that, especially Steve.

"I never thought-"

Yeah, I'm just gonna skip over Steve dumb heartwarming speech about love and morals that somehow included undertones of love for America. Like it's a wedding, not conservative recruitment.

When everyone had finished roasting and toasting the new couple, the music began to play for their first dance. Now you may be asking, hey Y/N, you said your not a wimp who cries at weddings, so why are you crying?

They were dancing to fucking paper rings piano version by fucking queen Taylor Swift, of course, I was gonna fucking cry.

When the dance was finished, Sam left the floor and sat down but Bucky didn't.

Then I heard the Beatles, well a safer version of the Beatles. The only reason this confused me was that, I was the one that thought the bad to Bucky, but I was not meant to be dancing.

He gestured me onto the floor and due to the embarrassment this man had caused me, I just kinda followed along.

"Your fucking lucky Steve thought me to do this.." I whispered as Bucky took the lead.

"Hey, you didn't think I would be scrapping the father-daughter dance when I've got a perfectly good daughter at my disposal!" He joked.

"So you used the Beatles? Against me?" I argued back.

"Oh shut it, you know you love me.." He joked back.

"I'm proud of you dad, you did it and so far, you're in one piece.." I laughed.

"Yeah well, I didn't do much. Plus, this was Sam's idea!" He revealed.

"Well, it was a pretty good one.."

I didn't expect the nights to be so great, even Loki was on their best behaviour.

The guests got up and danced, the cake was cut without fault, we had no wedding crashing drunks to deal with.

There was actually a bouquet toss, another messed up traditional, that I only took part in because someone needed to make sure Thor didn't crash into the cake in the excitement of catching some flowers.

But he didn't, although, my Wanda did.

"See that darling, looks like we're getting hitched.." She giggled as she showed me her prize.

"I don't mind that at all.." I smiled back, kissing her because it's Wanda, the most beautiful person ever. Of course, I was gonna kiss her.

After the last call, we arrived outside to see Bucky and Sam off on their honeymoon. In all the chaos I had forgotten to even figure out where they were off to. I mean I'll figure it out when they come home.

You could say I was glad that finally, the stress of the wedding was over, but then you would think about the planning Wanda and my wedding would take in the future.

Our wedding was well, nothing. I mean it sucked really. So don't worry at all.

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