041| The Other Maximoff

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There are many words for my friend Pietro Maximoff, idiot would most definitely be one. However when we paired up to do something, it was like stupid talking to stupid.


"Pietro, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Let's go out.."

"Its late, why are we going out?"

"Because you like trouble, love."

"Don't call me love. I'll go out and we can take one of Tonys cars.."

"Won't your dad be mad?"

"Let him.." I laughed.

I took a car and we drove out to the city in search of some food.

"Ow pizza, let's do pizza!"

"Okay Pete, let's go inside and grab it.."

We arrived in and ordered a lot of food. Like a lot of food for only two people. I helped Pietro put the food in the car and just drove around until we found a spot under the stars. It was a quiet little place next to the water, somewhere I liked to go usually on my own.

"You like this spot, princesa?"

"Shut it and eat you pizza.."

"Hm, you are very defensive.."

"Whats that supposed to mean?"

"You really just resort to swearing or making an insult when you want to defend yourself."

"Well before you met me, I was so much worse" I giggled.

This made him laugh, he was probably thinking of all the evil things I would have called Steve.

"I was meaning to ask you something."

"Hit me with it"

"I heard actually a few things about you. One thing being that you escape the state without Tony knowing and did it with Loki, Bucky and Sam?"

"I did that and I'm planning on doing it again"

"Well count me in"

"Why would you come?"

"Someone needs to protect you from them American boys, they aren't good enough for you anyways.."

I burst out laughing, god Pietro could make me laugh. We sat having our food and laughing for hours, he was just such a genuine person and most definitely a flirt. 

"So Loki, you two a thing?"

"Loki is about 1000 years older than me, I'm pretty sure its not legal.."

"So you're single?"

"I guess so, why who wants to know?"

"Just trying to get to know you.."

Hm, weird question from him. 

"Is Tony going to kill you?"

"Of course, might as well get in trouble for something fun.."

"Oh the gears are turning, what's happening in you brain, princesa-"

"Race you to the water!"

I teleported straight down and seconds later, Pietro appeared before me.

"Slow, so so slow"

"How the hell did you-"

"You didn't know I could teleport?"

"You continue to surprise me"

"Get in the water, idiot"

We kicked the water at each other, Pietro ending up under water, dragging me down with him. We were completely soaked and Pietro was able to run to dry himself.

"You see, I am just so-"

I used my element control, using the handy air section, to dry of. 

"You can take your jaw off of the ground.."

"You are incredible.."

"I know.."

We drove back after midnight and attempted to sneak inside, not to let Tony know we were gone. Like I said however, when two stupid people pair up, it usually doesn't end well.

"Y/N Stark, Pietro Maximoff! Where the hell were you two!?"

"Fuck, I need to do something about that god damn silent alarm!"

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