049| Education

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Tony wanted to wait till his other kidnapped children settled in to America before they started school. I mean,  he has a thing for taking children, don't call the cops we're all fine.

"So, you ready for today Maximoff, it's not gonna be fun?"

"American high school? I should be fine" 

I took Pietro and Wanda on the subway with me to MidTown high, Peter was at home so he just met us there for there. 

"So this is it.." Wanda said, looking at the school building weirdly.

"It's.. something?" Pietro said, looking for something positive about the school.

"Yeah no, its not much better on the inside either.."

We arrived inside and headed for our lockers. We met up with Peter, Ned and MJ before discussing a plan of attack.

"So Ned, you have chemistry with Wanda so you can take her.." I said.

"Um.. o-okay.." 

No Ned was totally into Wanda, I mean who would be into her, she's hot. Did I say that out loud?

"Peter, you take Pietro with you to Physics.."

"Got it.."

"MJ we have math, see you guys soon!"

We split into our groups of two and headed to class.

"So thats Wanda.."



"Don't hm me.. why did you hm me.."

"Oh look, here's the class, go inside and stop talking.."


"And what about it?"

After about three periods, I finally had a class with both of the twins.

"Hey! How's your day going?"

"Well I've got class with you, so I'm pretty sure it just got good.." Wanda muttered.

"Yeah, same here" I laughed back.

When the class was underway, Pietro really wanted to annoy me.

"Y/N.." He whispered.

"Sh, what do you want?!" I whispered back.

"I'm bored, we need to leave!" He whispered shouted, causing the teacher to stare at us.

So instead of responding, I used my powers to literally hold his mouth shut, making Wanda laugh.

So we did almost get in very big trouble, but the bell rang before we could be dealt with. After a few more periods, it was finally lunch time.

"This is borderline abuse.." Pietro said as he sat down.

"You know what, Steve and Bucky said the same thing about the food.." Peter laughed.

"You know that-"

"What up penis Parker, who are these new dorks?"

Ew Flash, nasty little creature.

"Wanda.." She said, giving him the side eye.


"Well why are hanging out with these idiots, you should hang with me, I'm much better than these losers.."

"Flash, do me a quick favour and fuck off if you like your new nose" I said, attempting to get him to leave.

"You broke his nose?!" Wanda said, almost chocking on her water.

"That's not his nose, you are joking me!" Pietro said, losing it.

"What, stop it! She's a lier!"

Flash ran off and just to add to the laugher, I put used my powers to put a puddle of water under it, causing him to slip and drop his lunch all over him.

"Dickwad.." I whispered, through everyones laughter.

Well the rest of the day was great, easy classes and just before we left, I remembered something a little bit important.

"Shit um, I was supposed to tell you the rules.."

"Rules?" Pietro laughed.

"Yeah um.. No using powers.."

"You broke that one.." Peter laughed.

"Don't draw attention to yourself.."

"You can't not do that.." MJ giggled.

"And no hurting people.."

"Nope you did that too.."

"Fuck it you know what, I'm above the law and better than Tony so I don't give a shit.."

"Um.. okay then.." Pietro laughed.

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