0165| Us Women

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It went down as the one and only time Steve allowed me to shit on the media.

As a woman in the public eye, yes even as an avenger you are in the public eye, I was subjected to something knows as sexualization. This means, only fucks would use me, a minor, as a sex symbol for whatever they please.

It happened to every woman on the team, all of us. I saw a dude on TikTok drawing all of the team and when he drew my mother, he made sure to highlight and exaggerate her tits.

Wanda and I are literal minors, so some of the fan art I see of us two makes me want to throw up.

Eventually, I was sick of it. So, I confronted to the council of parents.

"I wanna go against the public, against the sexualization of women on this team and the fact we are asked about our suits instead of our work in interviews. I'm just informing you, because I'm gonna do it anyway.." I proclaimed.

"Alright.." Tony agreed.

"Do it.." Bucky replied.

"I'll stand with you.." Nat said.


Now heads turned at Steve, a progressive little thing he was turning into. Our little feminist. One of the rare occasions I agreed with my dad.

I didn't do an Instagram live, I just called up Jimmy Fallon. He loved the drama, so like he loves me, by occasion. Bestie can help me spill.

"We have a very special guest tonight. You know her as the girl that shatters the media every chance she gets, the one and only, Y/N Stark Rogers Barnes Romanoff!" Jimmy cried out, allowing me to take my seat on the couch beside him.

"Hey, Jimmy.." I said, sitting down.

"So, you actually asked me to come on the show tonight, you sent me images that the network won't even allow me to air.." He opened with.

"Yeah so, a lot more recently, I've been subjected to men turning me, my girlfriend and my mother into sex symbols. Along with other members of the team. I wasn't gonna just tweet about, I wanted to really get the message out there.." I replied.

"What's the message?" He naively asked.

I turned to face the camera, taking in the live studio audience and spoke, "You can fucking take your ideas of me, a fucking minor and bring them straight down to hell with you.."

"Do you mean that?" He asked, knowing full well I do.

"I'll break their hand when I join them down there.."

There was a wave of shock in the crowd, followed by a large round of claps.

This was personal.

"I go to interviews and am asked about my suit, my body, my underwear. It's none of their business, how is my underwear relevant to the world?! They don't ask me how I'm gonna save the world or how I fight. Why people feel the need to do this grosses me out. They are really and truly, disgusting.." I continued.

"This is something you find everyone goes through, all women in media?" He asked again.

"Everyone. Avengers, musicians, sings, actresses, minors, athletes. We cant catch a break with being turned into symbols or an object of the media and 'fans' to troll. People create fan art that highlights us from the male perspective, edits that truly disturb us. I don't mind fan art and edits, but some of it I wanna burn.." I responded.

"You sent us fan art that sexualized you and others, it was so bad that we weren't even allowed to show it on screen.." He added.

"All I have to say is, sincerely and with all the disrespect I can collect, fuck off.." I spoke again to the camera.

The morning afterwards, the media had begun to release their opinions of my chat. Some said I was a snowflake, some said I spoke the word that was needed. I had female celebrities tweeting about me. Thanks, Kim.

But at the end of the day, if you disagree, you part of the problem, My middle finger salutes you.

Hey dudes. I wrote this chapter because I'm getting a lot of people sexualizing this y/n character and messaging me telling me this. these are older men and it makes me sick. so please internet, do better.

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