088| Rise of the Dinos

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It could be known as the greatest purge to every grace the Avengers towers.

That however would be an understatement because this was indeed the greatest purge to ever take over this tower.

After waiting for about two months, my order of 8 inflatable dinosaur suits had arrived and we were about to have some fun.

My accomplices included; Sonic, greasy, the himbo, the ant enthusiast, the webseter, birdy bitch and the tin man. This was was going to be, unbelievable.

"Take your suit, we are going to begin.." I said, passing the suits out.

We first set our sights on the adults, I mean what else would we do than break into a strategy meeting the grown ups we're having?

"Is that-" Tony said, looking through the glass at the army flocking towards him.

"She wouldn't do something like that-" Steve said, standing up to see the army running towards them.

"Oh captain, I think she would-" Nat said, as the dinosaurs burst through the door.

I mean Steve would go on the call this day a hostile take over but all we really did was a lap around the room, accidentally knocking a few files over in the process. After the lap, w ran out of the room, just dreaming of the confusion we would have caused.

"Is this why Sam and Bucky blew off the meeting?! They told me their friend was in a car crash?!" Steve yelled.

"Thats twisted.." Tony said, watching us run around.

As a dinosaur, we could get away with anything. In the tower anyway. Recently, Tony had installed a trampoline into the training area, a trampoline that now had eight dinosaurs bouncing up and down on it like it was genuinely normal.

Dinosaurs do indeed get hungry, but none of us know how to cook so we decided to venture out into the world for something to eat. I mean the adults didn't even attempt to stop it so we were fine.

"Can I get a number two?" I asked a very confused cashier.

I mean we got our food and a table in a very quite New York diner. Just eight dinosaurs having a bite to eat, I men it's New York I've seen worse.

After our eventful food stop, we decided to go to the park, use the swings and take a slide. We received many looks, but I mean who cared. We had fun, we looked like complete idiots, but we were still having fun.

An added bonus was that we went viral on Twitter, apparently the dinos on the loose was a bit more weird than expected. Although nobody did manage to piece together that the idiots eating ice cream on a park bench as dinosaurs were actually earths mightiest heroes.

Another bonus was now I can scare Steve when every I want, like when I wake him up in the middle of the night.


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