0127| Another One

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Tony has a habit of claiming children.

It's a career according to Steve, or side hobby is how I would describe it if we want to use more accurate terms.

So when this awkwardly tall, dirty blonde haired kid who was an orphan and like science strolled in, I knew it was one of Tonys. Mans has a type.

"Hey um, is Tony Stark here?" He said, awkwardly shoving himself through the labs door.

"Bruce! When is Tony back!" I yelled, not even meeting the boys eyes.

"Um, a few minutes, he went to get more cheese burgers since we are working so much, I'm really excited for mine!" Bruce nervously said, almost dropping the beaker.

"Thanks, love you!" I said, turning to actually look at this dude, "Few minutes, who might you be?" I asked.

"I'm Harley, Tony and I go way back.." He said, lightly chuckling to himself.

"Oh yeah? Well I'm sure my pops would have mentioned you, but he didn't-"

"Tony has a kid?" He said in pure confusion.

"Bestie do you even watch the news? I'm adopted, a drama queen and hot, any other questions?" I said, returning to the suit I was working on.

"I'm just gonna, yeah I'll sit over here.." He said, pulling a chair to the other side off the work bench.

There was some quiet until I decided I should probably speak to this hoe, maybe even get to know him. God I hate being in such high demand.

"So lanky, where you from?" I asked him, still tinkering with the suit.

"Oh, me?" He said, throwing his head up to give me his attention.

"No, I'm talking to Bruce!" I said in sarcasm, "Yes I'm talking to you, you're the lankiest one in the room!" I said, already over this entire conversation.

"Oh, I'm from Tennessee.." He said, looking to what I was doing, "What about you?" He asked.

"As far as I know New York, could have been born somewhere else.." I said, still not giving him much attention, instead thinking of how funny its gonna be to tell Peter this later. I mean he was like his clone.

"So Tony adopted you?" He asked, I mean the dude seemed sort of chill so I decided to put my work aside and get to know him.

"Yeah, found me in a dingy New York apartment and the rest is history.." I smiled.

"Well, I helped him when he was rough. Tony build me a whole ass lab.." The kid explained.

"He likes taking in kids with science abilities,  I mean I'm failing like all my science subjects so I just I was an alternate.." I shrugged.

"Huh, I'm sure your smart.." Je laughed.

"I can build things, sometimes make them explode.." I responded.

"Well, do you wanna make something explode?" He said, looking up see if I was on board.

"Bruce will leave in five to get lunch with my Dad, grab the stuff.." I said, sliding off of the chair to grab some fun chemicals to mix.

So we mixed some things, well he knew what they were but I was going for it.

"You know, I think Peter would like you.." I smiled while pulling on my goggles.

"Who?" He asked.

"Oh, this small science dude.." I smiled before putting the explosion chemical in the mixture.

Right as it went boom, Tony and Bruce walked in a saw the events in what I perceived to be in slow motion.

"Harley? Why are you blowing things up with Pinkie Pie?!" Tony asked, approaching the remains of the explosion.

"Uncalled for.." I inputted.

"Well I came to see you, ran into her, she seems pretty cool.." He said, looking down to me.

I mean bestie was tall.

"Well I can-"

"So like, do you have any more children that could just pop up one of these days?" I asked.

"To my knowledge, not anymore.."

I doubt that, like the chance that another one just appearing is high. But the lanky one was cool, I mean he was just like a second Peter but I could put up with him.

I mean I've put up with Peter for all these years. Just don't leave me in a room with both of them alone, my head would explode.

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