0103| Little Cabin

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Wanda loves the quiet.

Let me explain. Once she moved into the tower, located in New York City, she wasn't used to the rush. Everyone had some place to be all of the time and its always noisy. She likes a more peaceful environment.

So when our anniversary rolled around I decided to book a weeks stay in a little secluded cabin. Just the two of us. She was delighted once I told her, couldn't wait for the day we left to arrive. My parents however, just a tad bit concerned.

"Don't die to a bear attack-" Tony said.

"Don't start a fire, the cabins wood-" Bucky replied.

"Don't get pregnant-"

"Steve, I'm pretty sure that that is impossible.." I said, trying to leave the tower.

"Just don't die sweetie.." Nat said, hugging me goodbye.

"I have Wanda, I think I'll be fine.." I said, having Wanda grab my wrist and physically pull me out of the door.

We arrived at a beautiful wooden cabin which was located next to a lake. It looked like the perfect place for a horror movie to take place if I'm honest, but Wanda loved it.

"I should cook you dinner, celebrate our first night here.." I said, unpacking our belongs.

"I'll make dinner love, last time you cooked you almost burnt the tower down.." She smiled.

I can cook very well, when making cereal. We do not talk about the toast incident.

So she did make me a lovely dinner, my amazing beautiful girlfriend was a fabulous cook and I went to bed with her. Both ways if you catch my drift. In making the real life version on that side eye smily emoji, just use your big brain to picture it.

The next day, for some fucking reason, we decided to go fishing. Now I couldn't tell you why, I really couldn't, but I also got to be in charge of the boat so I think I won.

"Now remember love, what ever we catch here we are eating for dinner.." Wanda said, setting herself up.

Personally, I have never fished before. I did not need to be one of the 'boys', so I moved away from the 'sport'. Steve often asked me to join him in his little fishing trips, but I did not need a father who could be considered one of the boys.

"What do we name the fish?" I said, looking into the water at Wanda's line.

"We don't usually name our food love.." She smiled.

"Well we should name them something, maybe like Terry, because we don't know that fishes gender and Terrys a good neutral name.." I suggested.

"What ever you want, любовь"

"I'm not doing it with you on a boat in the middle of a lake, as much as I want to, don't tempt me-"

I was interrupted by something pulling the rod and in the end, we had Terry for dinner. We also had s'mores because I am very good at making them. Don't worry, the fire I did cause was put out very quickly.

A week with just Wanda was like walking on cloud nine. I think a lot of things were realised.

"So darling?" I said late one night by the campfire, "When we get married-"

"So you just decided we are getting married?" She laughed, dropping her head on my lap and looking up to the stars, or just my pretty face.

"Yes I have, you have no say in the matter.." I laughed, running my hands through her hair.

"Well I guess I have no choice in such an excellent deal, now what were you going to say?" She laughed.

"Well when we get married, we should do it in some place like this.." I said, looking at the scenery.

"Y/N," She said, sitting up to face me, "I would marry you in a trash bag, on the side of a smelly highway, in the middle of the night-"

"Wow I guess you do love me-"

"Oh shush, you knew that. I would go to the ends of the earth of you my dear.." She smiled, looking into my eyes.

"Eh, I would go all to way to the moon for you-"

"Y/N, love, this is not a competition.." She laughed.

"Yeah I know," I said, before leaning into kiss her, "You know I still won.." I said, momentarily pulling away.

"Oh yeah? What did you win?" She giggled.

"The love of my life, also know as you.." I giggled back.

I did debate with Wanda to never leave, run away from everything. She said we had responsibilities, I said Steve could handle that. So for someone reason we packed our things and began the drive home.

"You know what I was thinking love?" Wanda said, turning to me in the passages seat, "The cabin sort of reminded me of something out of a horror movie-"

"Thats what I was thinking!" I excitably responded.

Yeah now I believe Tonys theory that we share a single braincell.

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