010| Guardians

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"Tony there's a space ship outside!"

I had never seen anything soo cool. A ship, from outer space, in our field. Everyone look completely unfazed by the fact that someone or something from beyond the stars, was literally at our front door.

"Oh thats the Guardians of The Galaxy.."

"You know space people and didn't tell me!"

That was disrespectful.

"yeah, they come to visit every once in a while. I can introduce you to them."

"Yeah, yeah you will!"

He brought me outside to see an interesting group of people. There was a human, a green girl, a raccoon, a man who said he could turn invisible, a bug girl and the cutest little tree man I had ever seen.



"Who's the kid?"

So the raccoon speaks, thats weird.

"I'm not a kid, fur-ball"

"Ow its a feisty one, the names Rocket. Thats Peter, Gamora, Drax, Mantis and this is Groot"

"Hey little fella, I can't believe you have been keeping space dudes from me!"

"I am groot!"

"I am Y/N."

"He likes you.."

"I swear he is the cutest thing I've ever seen!"

"So Tony, why the child?"

"I will rip space man limb for-"

"Okay Y/N, no limb ripping today. She's very powerful and could murder someone if we leave her unsupervised."

"So feisty, what can you do?"

This raccoon was getting on my nerves. I sent a fire ball in his direct, to try shut him up. I mean it worked.

"Huh, it does know how to stop talking.."

"Y/N, what did I say about fire?"

"Its for battles only.."

The space bros came inside and greeted the rest of the team. They were hanging around for a bit and I was glad to get to know them. 

"Hello Y/N"


This guy was a literal murder but I though he was the shit.

"So, you have the power of fire"

"And more.."

I showed him my powers and he seemed very impress. He grabbed my arm and ran into the group.

"Quill, I want to keep this mortal!"

"What? Drax you can't just pick a mortal and keep it!"

"Yeah and you're not taking Y/N, take Steve" Tony said.


"Sorry, it's true!"

"Quill, the mortal has great power, elemental control she said"

"I mean that would help us out.." Gamora said.

"Okay Drax, she can come" Peter said, the rest of the guardians agreeing.

"Wait, I'm going to space?"

"You are not going to space! Drax, give me Y/N!" Tony yelled.

"No, she's our mortal!" Drax yelled.


"Guys, we're not gonna kidnap a kid and sent them to space!" Rocket said, trying to defuse the situation.

"For the last time, I'm not a kid!" I yelled back.

"I don't really like Y/N, but she's ours!" Steve said, trying to grab me off of Drax.

"Yeah tell them Steve!" Nat called.

"That girls like a daughter to me, she's not going anywhere!"


"If she wants to come with us, she can!" Rocket roared.

"Yeah, what if we run our of ice, she can make us more. We can't get new ice in space but you can make it from this place!" Drax yelled.

"Thats your argument?" Rocket yelled.

"Well yeah, I like ice!"

"Come on Tony, you're not her father!"

"Oh please Quill you shouldn't have any opinion on fathers!"

"You did not just go their Stark!"


"Okay. Thats enough. Maybe, just maybe, I should be the one to decide whether or not I go to space. Now, I think I should stay on earth for a little bit, get some experience on fights, then go off to protect the stars. Drax, I can make you ice that doesn't melt and Tony, if you want you can adopt me. Does that settle things?"

"Well yeah, if you can make ice that doesn't melt, we don't really need you"

"Thanks Drax, thanks.."

I headed off to bed and the guardians took off to go back to space. I was kind of disappointed that they were leaving without me, maybe next time. I was about to turn off of my light, when there was a knock on my door.

"Come in!"

"Hey Y/N"

"Sup Tony"

"So, you said that I could adopt you.."

"Oh yeah.. well I don't have anyone else, family wise, and you are basically my dad."

"Well its good you said that, here"

He handed me a stack of documents which were my adoption papers.

"Its been in the works for a while, all you have to do is sign them and-"

I pulled a pen off of my side table and began to scribble my name on the paper.

"You wasted no time in signing that"

"What can I say? I look better as a Stark, I can change my name to Stark, right?"

"Of course, come here"

He hugged me and we went downstairs to let the team know the news.

"So guys we have an announcement-"

"Is it that you're an asshole?" Steve said rudely.

"Hey Cap? Don't talk to my kid like that!"

"Your kid?"

"If the fossil would have let me finish, I am now Y/N Stark! Tony really didn't want me running off to space so he claimed me"

"I did not-"

"You really did"

"Yeah I guess I did.."

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